Simulated Training

Using Virtual Reality to Teach Adults Evidence-based Assessment and Intervention Procedures

Using Virtual Reality to Teach Adults Evidence-based Assessment and Intervention Procedures is a research study to learn how to use technology to teach assessment and intervention skills used by adults who work with individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities.  ​We also want to learn what adults like and do not like about this training. We will use this information to improve training experiences and outcomes.

IRB# 644-22-EP

This research study's purpose is to learn how virtual reality can be used to teach assessment and intervention skills. You will do the following if you participate.

  1. You will work with the research team to show your assessment skills before you are trained.
  2. The research team will teach you how to use virtual reality equipment.
  3. You will be trained in the assessment using virtual reality. You will watch videos, respond to questions, and conduct the assessment in virtual reality. You will be told which skills you did correctly and what you need to do differently.
  4. You will show the skills you learned after being trained.
  5. You will tell us what you liked and did not like about the training.

Your participation in this study will help us to know whether our training works and how to make the training better.

You will come to the virtual reality lab at the Munroe-Meyer Institute twice during this study. Each visit will last from 60 to 90 minutes.

There are risks if you take part in this study. You may become dizzy. The virtual reality headset may irritate your skin. You may fall while using the virtual reality headset. There is also a risk of loss of your confidentiality should our records be broken into.

You can choose not to take part in this study and experience virtual reality in other ways (e.g., virtual reality arcade, buy your own).

This study is for research purposes. Your participation is completely voluntary. You will sign a consent form if you take part in the study. You may quit the study at any time.

You may be eligible for this study if:

  1. You are 19 – 65 years old. You have no prior training in behavior assessment and intervention procedures. You can speak, hear, sit, stand, walk, and see.

Contact us to learn more

Email Dr. William Higgins to learn more about the study and to participate in it.