Vibratory Stimulation Study

Plantar Vibrotactile Stimulation

A Low-Cost Approach for Modulating Balance and Facilitating Enhanced Perception in the Discrimination of Asymmetric Gait

This study aims to determine the influence of vibratory stimulation on standing balance and the perception of limping in adults and children. We are assessing the stimulation across several vibration intensities and quantifying corresponding alterations to standing and walking.

IRB# 800-21-EP

This study requires one visit to the Munroe-Meyer Institute. Your (or your child’s) visit will last two hours and includes several surveys relating to body perception and fear of falling, fitting the participant with integrated activity trackers and vibratory insoles, walking on a treadmill, and quiet standing with eyes open and closed. These tests require you or your child to be able to walk and stand quietly for up to ten minutes unassisted. We will ask you or your child to participate in a verbal screening interview prior to your visit. You or your child will receive compensation for their participation in the study visits.

You or your child may be eligible for this study if:

  1. Are diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy (Gross Motor Function Classification System levels I – III) or are Neurotypical.
  2. Are capable of walking unassisted for at least ten minutes (may use an assistive device in daily life).
  3. Are male or female.
  4. Are 6 - 65 years of age.

You or your child may not be eligible for this study if:

  1. Diagnoses of any comorbidities that significantly affect ambulation, such as chronic orthopedic issues, progressive neurodegenerative disorders.
  2. Cognitive deficits limiting ability to follow directions.
  3. Participation in another treatment or intervention study within the past six months.
  4. Activity restrictions that limit ability to engage in daily physical activity.

Contact us to learn more

Email James E. Pierce III, MS
Principal Investigator