Preparing for Health Care Visits
Establishing Needs Related to Individuals With Disabilities Preparing For and Attending Health Care Visits is a research study for parents, caregivers, health care workers and individuals who support individuals living with autism, intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) or related disabilities.
IRB# 895-23-EX
The goal of this study is to gather evidence on current community needs related to individuals with autism, disabilities (developmental, intellectual and related disabilities) attending and participating in health care appointments. This information will be used to develop trainings for health care workers.
To collect this information, we are administering an online survey and conducting interviews. Caregivers and health care providers are invited to participate in one or both parts of the study. The survey will be administered online and take approximately 15 minutes to complete. Interviews will be scheduled at your convenience and take place in-person or using a web conferencing software like Zoom. Interviews will take approximately 60 minutes. There is no compensation for participating in this study.
You or your child may be eligible for this study if you are 19 years of age or older and a:- caregiver of individuals with autism, developmental, intellectual and related disabilities,
- health care provider who serves individuals with autism, developmental, intellectual and related disabilities, or
- other individual with a relationship to an individual with autism, developmental, intellectual and/or related disabilities (e.g., grandparent, staff).
Screening Survey
If you are interested in participating in this study, complete our screening survey here.Contact us
Email study staff to learn more about the study.
Principal Investigator
Mary Halbur, PhD, BCBA-DAssistant Professor, UNMC|MMI integrated Center for Autism Spectrum Disorders
Director, MMI ACTION Clinic