University of Nebraska Medical Center

Core Services

Center Services and Resources

Along with the CHAIN Center services/resources through its various cores (Cell-Tissue-AnimalImagingOmicsTherapeutics), additional resources are available through other National Institute of Mental Health AIDS Research Centers:

Center for Novel Therapeutics of HIV-associated Cognitive Disorders, Johns Hopkins University
The Johns Hopkins NIMH Center comprises an interdisciplinary research team who has pooled their talents to study the nature of HIV-associated neurocognitive disorders (HAND). Their aim is to translate discoveries of the pathophysiological mechanisms into novel therapeutics for HAND.

HIV Neurobehavioral Research Center, University of California, San Diego
The mission of the HNRC is to increase our understanding of how HIV and other diseases affect the human nervous system. The Center is supported by public funding from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) (NIMH Award Number P30MH062512). The HNRC conducts local, national, and international research devoted to advancing our knowledge of the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of HIV-related diseases as they affect the brain and nervous system, and result in impairment of everyday functioning.

Comprehensive NeuroAIDs Center, Temple University
The Comprehensive NeuroAIDS Center’s mission is to improve and extend public health impact of bench-to-clinic research associated with HIV-induced neurological diseases and cognitive disorders.

Society on NeuroImmune Pharmacology
SNIP fosters interdisciplinary research bridging the fields of Immunology, Pharmacology, and Neuroscience with a special emphasis on how drugs of abuse and infectious diseases, such as AIDS, interact and modulate the neuroimmune axis.

Journal of Neuroimmune Pharmacology, official journal of the Society on NeuroImmune Pharmacology
JNIP interfaces the disciplines of immunology, pharmacology and experimental neuroscience by acting as a platform for research discoveries into the pathogenesis and pharmacology of nervous system disorders affecting the immune system and vice versa.