University of Nebraska Medical Center

Current Studies

PRANK Study – Polygenic Risk of Alzheimer’s disease in Nebraska Kids (IRB# 436-19-EP)


The purpose of this study is to test the relationship between genetic/genomic AD risk factors and brain/cognitive development by having participants complete behavioral tests, provide a saliva sample, and undergo magnetic resonance imaging. This allows us to measure how genetic factors affect brain development and to elucidate lifelong trends for AD risk while highlighting new opportunities for early intervention. To this end, data will be collected from a healthy group of youth volunteers.

*All procedures in this study are non-invasive*

Participants may be asked to:
  • Provide demographic and medical information
  • Complete one or more visits
  • Complete behavioral tasks
  • Complete an MRI
  • Complete saliva collection

Age: 8 – 13 years of age 
Health: Medically healthy and typically developing 
Consent: Legal guardian must be able to provide consent 
Assent: Child must be able to provide assent 
Capacity: Child must be able to comply with instructions and comfortably sit still during tasks

Learn more or participate in the study

Targeted TMS Study – Targeted transcranial magnetic stimulation to improve hippocampal dependent declarative memory abilities (IRB# 096-18-FB)

TMS Study

The purpose of the current study is to test how targeted, non-invasive brain stimulation affects cognitive abilities such as memory in healthy adults and patients with mild memory impairment. This will be done using Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation and a series of behavioral tests. Results of this study could provide more insight about brain function with memory, and potentially inform future treatment of memory disorders.

*All procedures in this study are non-invasive*

Participants may be asked to:
  • Behavioral testing - computer-based cognitive tasks and paper-based assessments  
  • Magnetoencephalography (MEG) - records brain function  
  • Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) - records brain structure and function  
  • Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) - non-invasive brain stimulation technique resulting in small but measurable changes in brain activity  

Age: 19 years of age or older
Health: Healthy OR diagnosed with amnestic mild cognitive impairment
Consent: Must be able to provide consent
Capacity: Must be able to comply with instructions and sit still during tasks

Learn more or participate in the study

Research Collaborations

Novel Multimodal Assessment of Practical Judgment Across the Alzheimer's Continuum: Toward a Better Understanding of how to Predict Risk in the Elderly (IRB# 789-19-EP) 

  • PI: Dr. Laura Rabin, Site PI: Dr. Nadia Pare 
  • Our federally funded research study is seeking to understand judgment abilities and problem-solving skills in the real world. We are seeking volunteers aged 60-90 years old (with or without cognitive impairment) to participate in our study. Volunteers will undergo brain imaging scans and in person cognitive testing. If you are interested in participating, we would be happy to provide more details about the study.  
  • Please contact umncagingstudy@gmail.com for more information, or learn more about the study

The Impact of Aging on the Neural and Behavioral Bases of Social Processing (IRB#675-19-EP) 

  • PI: Dr. Janelle Beadle