University of Nebraska Medical Center

Garima Bhandari, DO

House Officer II

Garima Bhandari, DO


Garima Bhandari


Pokhara, Nepal

Where did you go for undergraduate and medical school?

University of Colorado Boulder and Rocky Vista University

Career aspirations:

PCCM and cardiology

What was your first job?

Customer service at Best Buy

What is the furthest you've traveled from Omaha?


If you couldn't work in medicine, what would you do?

Art teacher

If you only had one day in Nebraska, what would you do?

Coffee/breakfast in downtown, then go to the Omaha Zoo followed by a hike at Fontenelle Forest and finally dinner and drinks in Blackstone

Most fond residency experience or memory up to this point?

Crescent Moon, Little Ricki's hangout with co-interns