University of Nebraska Medical Center

Kathryn Kim, MD

House Officer II

Kathryn Kim, MD


Kathryn Kim


Wilmette, IL

Where did you go for undergraduate and medical school?

Middlebury College and Chicago Medical School

Career aspirations:

Fellowship in either cardiology or gastroenterology, continuing with research and teaching as an academic physician

What was your first job?

Parking attendant at Ravinia Festival

What is the furthest you've traveled from Omaha?

Zurich, Switzerland

If you couldn't work in medicine, what would you do?

I would get a PhD in art history and teach at a college.

If you only had one day in Nebraska, what would you do?

Take a walk at Lauritzen Gardens

Most fond residency experience or memory up to this point?

Exploring Omaha and getting to know my co-interns