University of Nebraska Medical Center

Emma Schmidt, DO

House Officer II

Emma Schmidt, DO


Emma Schmidt


Mitchell, SD

Where did you go for undergraduate and medical school?

Augustana University and NYITCOM at Arkansas State University

Career aspirations:

I am deciding between endocrinology and rheumatology

What was your first job?

Baseball umpire

What is the furthest you've traveled from Omaha?

Krakow, Poland

If you couldn't work in medicine, what would you do?

Interior design

If you only had one day in Nebraska, what would you do?

I would grab coffee at Zen Coffee Company and walk around the Farmer's Market, then take my dog to the dog park. I'd finish the day at Mula and Coneflower Creamery.

Most fond residency experience or memory up to this point?

Meeting my co-interns