Resident Wellness

Wellness is important. We hope to foster both the growth of a resident and an equally matched amount of resiliency.
Our residents and faculty often talk about how our program has a “family feel” to it. Our wellness initiatives simply add structure to what has been intuitive for us.
We strive to promote healthy work/home balance, continue peer support/advocacy as it naturally flourishes as well as provide connections for comradery across all classes of the pediatrics and medicine-pediatrics residents, and to provide professional, emotional, psychological, and social wellness education and outlets since there are so many dimensions of well-being.

Wellness Committee
Resident-run and faculty-supported. The committee has shared leadership by residents from each pediatrics and med-peds class and is driven by our shared values; therefore, new ideas can be implemented with changing times and demands. The resident representatives on this committee are a critical part of its success.
Our current wellness committee brings together residents and program leadership with the common goal of optimizing the working and learning environment. We strive to provide residents with an appropriate work/life balance and to provide a variety of different wellness outlets.

Monthly Wellness Activities
Each month protected time is set aside over the lunch hour for residents to unwind and step away from patient care duties. Some past favorites have included a fro-yo bar + all the toppings, chair massages, a coffee and smoothie bar, trivia contest, minimizing burnout lecture, chicken wing bar (every flavor you could imagine!), March Madness bracket competition and first round watch party, journaling, lunch ordered-in from a restaurant selected by on-service residents (outside of our normal favorites), and note-writing to local nursing home residents during pandemic.
Monthly Growth Sessions
Giving Residents Opportunities to Work Toward Health – A monthly large group meeting over lunch at UNMC and Children’s Hospital for residents and select faculty/physician facilitators to decompress at the end of the month. We use this session as an opportunity to share any stressors (work, home, or other) and find a way to work to overcome them. Faculty are available to share insight into their time as a resident and also to share how it relates to life as an attending.

House Office Wellness Lounge
The House Officer Wellness Lounge (HOWL) is a shared house officer lounge at the University of Nebraska Medical Center campus that offers:
- Food and drinks
- Computers
- Conference room
- Treadmills
- Yoga room
- Lactation room
- Meditation room
- Showers
House Officer Assistance Program
The House Officer Assistance Program (HOAP) is a free, confidential program supported by the University of Nebraska Medical Center. This program provides residents with a variety of valuable services, including short-term problem-solving/coaching, confidential assessments, crisis intervention services and Psychological First Aid.