Predental Hygiene Requirements


High School

Preparation for the study of dental hygiene begins in high school. The prospective dental hygiene student should take the following high school subjects:

English   3 years
Mathematics/Algebra   2 years
Geometry   1 year
Biological Sciences (Biology)   1 year
Chemistry   1 year

Foreign Language (suggested but not required)

  2 years

Please contact the dental hygiene program advisor for guidance.


The predental hygiene courses fulfill general requirements and provide the student with a core of knowledge

Communication (English Composition)   6 hours
Biology   4 hours
Microbiology   4 hours
Human Anatomy or Anatomy & Physiology I   4 hours
Human Physiology or Anatomy & Physiology II   4 hours
General Chemistry   8 hours

Introductory Sociology

  3 hours
Introductory Psychology   3-4 hours
Communication (Speech/must give speeches)   3 hours
Humanities/Arts   6 hours
Social & Behavioral Sciences/Human Behavior,
Culture & Social Organization
  3 hours
Nutrition   3 hours
12-hour Series   12 hours

Six credit hours must be completed in the Humanities & Arts (English literature, philosophy, music history, classics, art history, theater arts, drawing) and three hours in Social & Behavioral Sciences/Human Behavior, Culture and Social Organization (psychology, sociology, anthropology, economics, political science, geography). A twelve-hour series (a 12-hour minor in one academic area) must be completed in a specific area of study. The courses taken in the 12-hour series must have the same course prefix for all courses being considered. The Dental Hygiene Program advisor should be consulted for specific details.

Transfer Credit

All official transcripts from postsecondary institutions will be examined and credit will be awarded according to UNMC policy. Usually, credit from an accredited institution of higher learning is accepted for transfer if successfully completed with a course grade of C or above. For two- and four-year institutions, transfer credit will be determined by the standards set forth in the "Transfer Credit Practices of Designated Educational Institutions" published by the American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admission Offices. No credit will be awarded for D grades.

Predental Hygiene Curriculum Worksheet

Dual Credit

Due to the rigor of the dental hygiene program, it is strongly recommended that all dental hygiene prerequisites be taken during college. No science courses will be accepted if taken as dual credit in high school.