University of Nebraska Medical Center

Tag: hazard

10 Essential Public Health Services (#2): Investigate, diagnose, and address health hazards and root causes

Public Health is critical in conducting surveillance and timely investigations of health problems and hazards. Surveillance is essential in helping communities monitor and evaluate emerging patterns and trends of disease and illness. It contributes to better prevention and management of public health issues.

Jan 20, 2025

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Risk Assessment and Deployment: Section One

This module provides valuable information on how high-consequence infectious diseases impact risk assessment and offers recommendations for preventing and managing infections in public health settings, with a particular focus on the deployment of public health workers.

Sep 15, 2023

Risk Assessment and Deployment: Section Two

This module provides valuable information on how high-consequence infectious diseases impact risk assessment and offers recommendations for preventing and managing infections in public health settings, with a particular focus on the deployment of public health workers.

Sep 15, 2023

Team Dynamics and Creating a Safe Working Environment

This module describes team-based challenges, stressors, and risk points for working in high-risk environments. This module also identifies the use of teamwork tools designed to improve team performance and communication skills.

Sep 15, 2023

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