University of Nebraska Medical Center

Bangladesh dengue deaths top 1,000 in worst outbreak

NBC News At least 1,017 people have died so far in 2023 and nearly 209,000 have been infected, official data showed, making this the deadliest year since the first recorded epidemic in 2000.

The death toll from Bangladesh’s worst dengue outbreak on record has topped 1,000 this year, official data showed, with hospitals struggling to make space for patients as the disease spreads rapidly in the densely populated country.

At least 1,017 people have died so far in 2023 and nearly 209,000 have been infected, the data showed, making this the deadliest year since the first recorded epidemic in 2000.

The current death toll is nearly four times more than the whole of last year, when Bangladesh recorded 281 dengue-related deaths.

Hospitals are struggling to find space for the large number of patients suffering high fever, joint pain and vomiting while there is a shortage of intravenous fluids, health officials said.

“I don’t know how my son was infected … suddenly he became feverish. I rushed him here and then doctors found out that he has dengue,” Sanwar Hossain told Reuters as he watched his son in Mugda General Hospital in the capital, Dhaka.

The hospital’s administrator, who goes by the single name Niatuzzaman, said that although patients from Dhaka have decreased in recent days, the number of people being admitted from rural areas of the country has increased, calling it a “concerning” sign.

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