Marilynn A. Larson, PhD

Department Affiliations
Assistant Professor
BSL-3 Core Facility Laboratory Director

The development of diagnostics and therapeutics for pathogen identification and treatment, respectively, as well as determining the molecular mechanisms that allow pathogens to replicate and persist.

Education and Training
Post-Doc., Pathology/Microbiology (Immunology), University of Nebraska Medical Center at Omaha, 2001
PhD, Biological Sciences (Microbial Physiology), University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 1999
MA, Biology (Molecular Microbiology), University of Nebraska at Omaha, 1991
BS, General Sciences, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 1979
Notable Publications

Yue, Y., Puniya, B. L., Helikar, T. Girardo, B., Hinrichs, S. H., and Larson, M. A. 2022.  Arginine catabolism and polyamine biosynthesis pathway disparities within Francisella tularensis subpopulations.  Front. Microbiol. 13: Article Number 890856.

Larson, M. A., Nalbantoglu, U., Sayood, K., Cer, R., Iwen, P. C., Francesconi, S. C., Bishop-Lilly, K., Mokashi, V., Sjöstedt, A., and Hinrichs, S. H.  2016.  Transfer of Wolbachia persica to the genus Francisella and reclassification as Francisella persica comb. nov. with emended description of the family Francisellaceae.  Int. J. Syst. Evol. Microbiol 66:1200-1205.

Larson, M. A., Nalbantoglu, U., Sayood, K., Zentz, E. B., Bartling, A. M., Fey, P. D., Francesconi, S. C., Dempsey, M. P., and Hinrichs, S. H. 2015. Francisella tularensis subtype A.II genomic plasticity in comparison with subtype A.I.  PLoS One 10(4):e0124906.

Larson, M. A., Fey, P. D., Hinrichs, S. H., and Iwen, P. C.  2014.  Francisella tularensis Bacteria associated with feline tularemia in the United States.  Emerg. Infect. Dis. 20(12):2068-2071.

Larson, M. A., Lockridge, O., Hinrichs, S. H. 2014. Polyproline promotes tetramerization of recombinant human butyrylcholinesterase.  Biochem. J.462(2):329-335.

Larson, M. A., Ding, S.-J., Slater, S. R., Hanway, A. M., Bartling, A. B., Fey, P. D., Lockridge, O., Francesconi, S. C., Hinrichs, S. H.  2013.  Application of chromosomal DNA and protein targeting for the identification of Yersinia pestis.  Proteomics-Clin. Appl. 7(5-6):416-423.

Larson, M. A., Fey, P. D., Bartling, A. M., Iwen, P. C., Dempsey, M. P., Francesconi, S. C., and Hinrichs, S. H.  2011.  Francisella tularensis molecular typing using differential insertion sequence amplification. J. Clin. Microbiol.49(8):2786-2797

Larson, M. A., Griep, M.A., Bressani, R., Chintakayala, K., Soultanas, P., and Hinrichs, S. H. (2010). Class-specific restrictions define primase interactions with DNA template and replicative helicase. Nucleic Acids Res. 38(20):7167-7178.

Chintakayala, K., Larson, M. A., Grainger, W. H., Scott, D. J., Griep, M. A., Hinrichs, S. H., and Soultanas, P. 2007. Domain swapping reveals that the C- and N-terminal domains of DnaG and DnaB, respectively, are functional homologues. Mol. Microbiol. 63(6):1629-1639.

Larson, M. A., Wei, S. H., Weber, A., Weber, A. T., and McDonald, T. L.  2003.  Induction of human mammary-associated serum amyloid A3 expression by prolactin or lipopolysaccharide.  Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 301(4):1030-1037.

 Larson, M. A., Wei, S. H., Weber, A., Mack, D. R., and McDonald, T. L.  2003.  Human serum amyloid A3 peptide enhances intestinal MUC3 expression and inhibits EPEC adherence.  Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 300(2):531-540

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