
Grand Rounds
During the academic year, the department hosts a monthly Grand Rounds which has, as its purpose, the goal of providing a measure of academic enrichment in the medical sciences. The meeting takes place the first Wednesday during the months of September through June.  The “Rounds” begin at 11:00 a.m. and terminate at 11:55 a.m. For each session, a guest speaker delivers the address during the first 45 minutes of the hour; the last ten minutes are devoted to questions from the audience. The Grand Rounds are organized and chaired by a clinically-oriented member of the department. During the spring, the chair solicits, in writing, all faculty members of the department requesting suggestions for speakers for the forthcoming academic year. Eventually, nine individuals are selected and invited. The speakers have included members of this faculty, Creighton University School of Medicine, and many universities and research institutions across the nation and, on occasion, from a foreign country. Customarily, speakers from outside of Omaha receive an honorarium and are reimbursed for their travel related expenses.  

The faculty coordinator for Grand Rounds is Dominick DiMaio, MD  For scheduling and other details please contact Dani Blum 402-559-2719.

Basic Science Seminar Series
The Basic Science seminars will include presentations from scientists who use state-of-the-art technology to address fundamental questions in the medical sciences. They will include invited speakers from around the country as well as faculty members within our department. The seminars will be presented on the second and fourth Wednesday of each month at noon.

The faculty coordinator for Basic Science Seminar Series is Paul Fey, PhD. For scheduling and other details please contact Jillian Washington 402-559-7760.  

Graduate Student Research Seminars
Research seminar is a public forum for the student to gain experience in presenting scientific data. The course is required each year for all students in the Pathology and Microbiology Graduate Program. PhD and MD/PhD students will present their research once each year. Master's students will present their research once during their graduate career. Titles for the seminars will be announced 10 - 14 days before the presentation. Seminars are scheduled on Tuesdays at 9:00am.

The faculty coordinator for graduate research seminars is Rakesh Singh, PhD. For scheduling and other details please contact Tuire Cechin 402-559-4042.