UNeHealth (Industry-Sponsored Clinical Trials)
UNeHealth is the contracting and fiscal arm for industry-funded clinical trials on behalf of University of Nebraska Medical Center. It is housed under Center for Clinical and Translational Research (CCTR), operating under the direction of Dr. Christopher Kratochvil, Chief Medical Officer for UNeHealth and Associate Vice Chancellor for Clinical Research.
Clinical Research Billing
The Clinical Trial Master Matrix (CTTM) is a tool that is used to record basic information about a clinical trial along with protocol specific scheduling of research related procedures/treatments and details on how these procedures/treatments will be billed. A CTTM or "Matrix" must be completed for any study that includes clinical care activities conducted at Nebraska Medicine, UNMC, or UNMC-Physicians clinics or facilities irrespective of funding. Information on the Matrix and UNMC's policy for Clinical Trial Billing (#8008) can be found on the UNMC policy wiki.