Independent Educational Evaluation

Two school-aged kids writing in a workbook, credit KLimkin - Pixabay.

Independent Educational Evaluation

Nebraska ensures that a free, appropriate public education is available to all children with disabilities from birth through age 21.

A parent of a child with a disability has the right to obtain an independent educational evaluation of the child at public expense. A referral from your school’s special education director, special education teacher, superintendent or principal will authorize the evaluation by a state-approved provider.

Munroe-Meyer Institute is a state-approved provider for the Nebraska Department of Education to provide independent educational evaluations. Our providers are skilled in methods of “best practices” for working with students with disabilities. An MMI multidisciplinary team will be assembled to include the most appropriate providers to best identify and evaluate the needs of the student. Our team may consist of experts in:

Results of our evaluation will be shared with the school to assist in providing the educational opportunities to best meet the student’s needs.