Educational Materials

Animal Posters

Each poster in the set has color photographs of animals representing its class. The materials were designed for elementary and middle school classrooms but may appeal to a broader audience depending on the usage.


Five (5) individual posters (11” × 17”) for each animal class: fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, mammals and one (1) composite poster. Available in English and Spanish.

SEPA Vertebrates Posters


Eight (8) individual posters (11” × 17”) for each animal class: sponges, cnidarians, arthropods (insects, arachnids, and crustaceans), molluscs, echinoderms, worms and one (1) composite poster. Available in English and Spanish.

SEPA Invertebrates Poster

Animal Classification Cards

The set of 15 animal classification cards (2.5” x 3.5”) contain pictures of each class on the front and its characteristics on the back.  Available in English and Spanish.

SEPA Animal Cards

Bird Curriculum

Birds are a wonderful way to teach many different science and math skills as well as life science to young learners.

The bird curriculum highlights 16 birds common to Nebraska and South Dakota, with a wide variety of activities that vary from size estimation to an original coloring book that can be used for language arts and foreign languages.  Songs, poems and finger plays are featured in the appendix.

SEPA Bird Curriculum Poster

Ethnobotany Study Book

Not available at the moment

Math Concept Cards

This is a set of 38 cards divided into the five areas of math as determined by National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM).  They were designed for word walls to help students visually see a relationship between the concept and the vocabulary word associated with that concept.  A template for creating student learning booklets is also included.

SEPA Math Concepts Poster

Winning Words for Success – Exam Instruction Words

This set of 28 cards contains words commonly found in the instructions for formal exams.  Since many of these concepts are abstract, these cards attach a visual component to better illustrate what students are being asked to do on the exam.  Mainly designed for middle and high school classrooms.

SEPA Winning Words for Success Posters