University of Nebraska Medical Center

Scholarly Activity

Dr. Stephen Rennard at White Board

Fellows engage in scholarly activity and a range of clinical and bench research, as well as Quality Improvement projects.

Fellows may select a project and use up to 10 months of elective time to initiate and complete the project.

Completion of an online fellow research symposium is required and a research committee will help the first-year fellow select a project and mentor.

Fellows are encouraged to attend one national meeting per year, paid for by the division, with the expectation that an abstract will be submitted to the meeting.

Faculty Research Interests

Scholarly Activity by Current Fellows

Dr. Abedel Anani:
Aspirated Peanut Turns to Peanut Butter

Dr. Sarah Mete:
Cavitary Pulmonary Nodules: A Rare Manifestation of Rehumatoid Arthritis

Dr. Katie Joyce:
Pituitary Neuroendocrine Tumors - A Pitbull in Medicine

Outcomes of Prone Positioning in Mechanically Ventilated COVID-19 Pts: A Prospective Observational Study

Dr. Hamdan Gul:
Ligamentum Arteriosum Infection Associated Pulmonary Embolism

An Unexpected Cause of Acute Liver Failure

Dr. Cesar Davila-Chapa:
Racial Differences in Hospitalzations for Idiopathic Pulmonary Fribrosis in the United States

Scholarly Activity Resources for Fellows