School Resources

There are specific services and supports available to children with disabilities and their families.

School Resources for the community

Individualized Education Plan (IEP)

Children who are verified as eligible for special education services have the legal right under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) and Nebraska education Rule 51 to an Individualized Education Plan (IEP). The IEP is developed by the IEP team which includes all pertinent education professionals the child’s parents. Parents are considered an equal member of the team. The IEP provides specific educational guidance to promote the child’s access to a Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE). In addition, it provides for related services necessary which allows the child to access FAPE. The IEP is developed based on data and observations regarding the child’s development as identified by the IEP team. The IEP is updated annually and for most, a six-month review is held. However, families can request an IEP at any time. In addition, the location of the school services is a component of the IEP given that children in special education have the right to services in the least restrictive setting.

504 Plans

Sometimes a child may have a disability but not be eligible for services under IDEA. In this case, the child would likely be eligible for a 504 Plan. The 504 is a document that identifies accommodations the child might need in order to be successful and receive FAPE. For example, students with disabilities might need more time to take a test or may require a service dog to help notify them of an upcoming seizure (epilepsy) or a low blood sugar (diabetes). Many children that have ADHD, Type I diabetes and epilepsy would likely be eligible for a 504 plan.

Guidelines for Implementing 504 Plans

Parents Rights within special education

Parents have specific rights related to the education of their child with a disability. These rights include being a partner in the decisions of the IEP or 504 team, having appropriate prior notice, knowledge of a grievance process and alternative testing. The Nebraska Department of Education describes these rights in the document below.

Advocacy Information and Support

Nebraska Special Education Documents