Slide Scanning

Bright Field Slide Scanning

Drop off your H&E, IHC, DAB or TMA and we will scan the slides and return a digital copy at the desired resolution. Visualization software is included.

We utilize the Ventana’s Coreo Au Slide Scanner with a 160 slide capacity for optical visualization at 10x, 20x and 40x. Images are scanned in JPEG2000 lossless format, but a single image can be saved in JPEG, TIFF or BMP. Images can then be exported into various quantitation software packages such as Image Pro, ImageJ, and InForm for further analysis. Please see our pricing list for this service.

We are also working on bring fluorescence scanning to campus - more to come.

6.85x  6.85x Slide  6.85x Slide
 20x 20x Slide 20x Slide
 40x 40x Slide 40x Slide