The Department of Pathology, Microbiology and Immunology provides state-of-the-art facilities and equipment, as well as access to well trained and skilled personnel, to faculty and staff campus-wide and across the University of Nebraska system.
To learn more about our facilities and research resource, please click on the links to the BSL3 Containment Laboratories, Genome Assembly and Analysis, Sterilization Facilities, Antimicrobial Peptide Database, Tissue Procurement Shared Resources, Tissue Sciences Facility and Grant Administration.
We also hold several workshops and conferences including Essentials of Staphylococcal Genetics and Metabolism Workshop, International Conference on Gram-Positive Pathogens, and Antimicrobial Peptide Database Symposium.
UNMC also has a number of other core facilities across campus that offer both advanced technologies and equipment, providing an extensive array of services to support researchers. To view the full listing of these facilities, please visit the Vice Chancellor of Research website.
The Research I.T. Office (RITO) is designed to support UNMC researchers with their I.T. needs. Researchers can go to the website and explore their options that meet their various I.T. requirements.