


Initial Processing Fee
(regardless of processing method used or specimen type)

$40 / request

Tissue Processing

Banked Frozen Tissue

$20 / sample

Fresh Tissue

$25 / sample1

DNA/RNA Extraction

$88 / sample2

Tissue Processing during non-business hours

$100 / hour3

Frozen Sections


$5 / tissue


$5 / slide


$2.50 / slide

Custom Tissue Services

Investigator Protocol Driven Request

Inquire with TPSR

Short-term or Cell Line Culture

Inquire with TPSR

Cytogenetic/Molecular Cytogenetic Analysis4

Inquire with TPSR

1 Fee is based on 1 hour maximum. If investigator anticipates that processing will require longer than one hour, then a fee per hour will be arranged with TPSR;
2 Fee is in addition to the fee assessed for the corresponding fresh or frozen tissue;
3 Current non-business hours are weekends or after 5PM weekdays. Price based on 2 hour minimum, charged in 15 minute intervals (rounded up). Fee charged regardless of whether tissue is successfully collected;
4 Please contact TPSR for list of FISH probes available.

External Customers: The above pricing is available for University of Nebraska system investigators only. External academic investigators will be charged an additional 50% per service, while other external clients will be charged an additional 100% per service.