Wellness Wednesday: Weight loss resources can aid fitness

It’s time to stop procrastinating on your fitness goals.

Punxsutawney Phil, the prognosticating groundhog, predicted six more weeks of winter this past weekend — that’s still plenty of time to get ready for spring.

Although many people make fitness-related New Year’s resolutions, very few follow through with that commitment to self-improvement. If you resolved to shed a few extra pounds, there are resources that may improve your chances for successfully adopting the healthier habits necessary to manage weight.

Check out these resources:

THE NIH’s Aim for a Healthy Weight website, including a Guide to Behavior Change.

For information on a campus Weight Watchers group, contact Kim Erickson at Clarkson College at 2-2587.

Click here for information about clinical weight-loss assistance on campus.

For information on the FAST Diet, click here.

And good luck with your fitness goals!