Simulation Program

Faculty teaching the residents about placement of mid-urethral slings
Our simulation training program complements the didactic, clinical, and research components of the residency curriculum. We utilize the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists simulation program and have developed some of our own simulations with the expertise of our OB-GYN faculty and instructional designer. Simulation provides experiential learning and offers scheduled sessions that can be difficult to replicate in real life. Our simulations take place at the Davis Global Center which is the headquarters for the iEXCEL program and is a 192,000-square-foot simulation center on the UNMC campus and features visualization environments, advanced clinical simulation, and surgical skills simulation.
Annual Intern Orientation
Our new residents participate in onboarding simulations prior to their first day in their new role as OB-GYN physicians. This orientation focuses on procedures and surgical skills, including neonatal circumcision, vaginal delivery, cesarean birth with a high-fidelity manikin and simulated obstetrical abdomen, cervical examination, labor management, intrauterine device placement and removal, obstetrical perineal laceration repair, and surgical instrument identification.
Clinical Training Sessions
Our simulation program offers the residents many opportunities to learn about and practice emergent scenarios such as postpartum hemorrhage, clinical procedures such as endometrial biopsy, and inpatient procedures such as laparoscopy and robot-assisted surgeries. Sessions take place annually in July, quarterly at the Davis Global Center, as well as weekly for the residents on the labor and delivery inpatient service. The simulation curriculum is evolving and the residents have participated in the following sessions:
- Emergent scenarios of postpartum hemorrhage, preeclampsia/eclampsia, shoulder dystocia, and operative delivery with forceps and vacuum
- Breech vaginal delivery
- Third- and fourth-degree obstetrical perineal laceration repair
- Cervical cerclage
- Pudendal nerve block
- Vaginal tissue dissection and suturing
- Laparoscopy
- da Vinci robot simulator exercises
Our first-year residents utilize an online ultrasound program to learn about and practice gynecological and obstetrical ultrasound throughout their first year. This program features modules with all of the ultrasound types the residents would encounter with patients and has a gel pad and wands with which to perform ultrasounds with real-time feedback.
Robotic Surgery Curriculum
Throughout all four years of the residency program, the residents have access to a da Vinci robotic surgery simulator in the Davis Global Center. We have created a curriculum for the residents to follow so by the time they graduate they will have a certificate of completion from da Vinci which may enable them to have robotic surgery privileges where they will be performing surgeries. The residents complete an online surgical fundamentals program and then practice skills on the surgical robot simulator for camera control, energy selection, energy pedals, needle driving, and instrument manipulation via da Vinci's Intuitive Learning program.