Flight nurses topic of March 8 Science Cafe

Certified flight registered nurse Jeremy Moore will discuss the job of a flight nurse on a medical helicopter at the Omaha Science Cafe on March 8 at the Slowdown, 729 N. 14th St. The hourlong cafe will begin at a new time: 6:30 p.m.

Moore is the clinical base supervisor for LifeNET/Air Methods Corporation. He received his diploma in nursing and has been involved in emergency nursing since 1994, flight nursing since 1997 and has served as a clinical supervisor since 2011.

He will cover the job skills and education in flight nursing, aspects of providing care in transport in helicopter and airplanes, followed by a question and answer session.

Science Cafes involve a face-to-face conversation with a scientist or medical professional about current medical/science topics. They are open to everyone (21 and older) and take place in casual settings like pubs and coffeehouses. Each meeting is organized around an interesting topic of conversation. A scientist/health professional gives a brief presentation followed by a question and answer period.

Pizza will be provided for the first 50 people. For more information about Science Cafes, click here. Podcasts of previous Science Cafes also are available on the website or available for download on iTunes here.