- Anatomic Pathology
- Clinical Pathology
- Blood, Transfusion & Tissue Service
- Biologics Production Facility
- Chemistry
- Coagulation
- Flow Cytometry
- Histocompatibility
- Microbiology & Virology
- Molecular Diagnostics
- Molecular Forensics
- Pathology Consultation
- Programs
- Clinical Services Contacts
- Regional Pathology Services
The Clinical Microbiology laboratory at Nebraska Medicine provides a comprehensive menu of clinical medicine testing services including bacteriology, virology, mycobacteriology, mycology, serology and antimicrobial susceptibility testing. Services are provided by expert laboratory scientists, many who have subspecialty training and certification. Paul D Fey, PhD, D(ABMM) is the medical director and Amy Crismon, MT(ASCP) SM is the administrative manager. Information about our CPEP Clinical Microbiology Fellowship can be found here. As part of our support for translational and clinical research, the laboratory offers assistance with establishing protocols and laboratory procedures that require microbiology related information.
Clinical research inquiries and other questions related to general microbiology can be directed to Peter Iwen, PhD, ABMM. Consultation regarding virology, serology and overall operation can be directed to Joseph Khoury, MD.
- Anatomic Pathology
- Clinical Pathology
- Blood, Transfusion & Tissue Service
- Biologics Production Facility
- Chemistry
- Coagulation
- Flow Cytometry
- Histocompatibility
- Microbiology & Virology
- Molecular Diagnostics
- Molecular Forensics
- Pathology Consultation
- Programs
- Clinical Services Contacts
- Regional Pathology Services