University of Nebraska Medical Center


We strive to maintain the highest level of resident support and wellness. These are some of the benefits offered to residents and fellows, which often exceed comparable benefits provided at programs nationally. 

During the second year of the program, residents are enrolled full-time as a third-year medical student of the UNMC College of Medicine. During this year residents are not paid a House Officer salary and are not provided any university paid health care benefits. However, they have full enrollment in the College of Medicine health care benefits plan which is equally comparable. Information on tuition and fees is available through the College of Medicine. 

During the third year of the program, residents receive a half-salary and are provided health care benefits at a 50% prorated allowance or they can continue with full-enrollment in the College of Medicine health care benefits. Residents are responsible for tuition and fees during the third year of the program, but the half-salary essentially makes it net zero on cost.

In addition to the benefits and salary for all UNMC House Officers, the Division of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery provides support for travel and presentation of scientific papers at various meetings, and also provides up to $1,850 for purchase of new surgical loupes.