Frequently Asked Questions

What is a temporary alternative work arrangement?

A temporary agreement that is established between an employee and a supervisor where any of the following may occur:

  • a temporary change to the customary arrival/departure time;
  • a temporary change to the regular work location (e.g. home office);
  • temporary job/shift share or job duty arrangement; and/or
  • temporary changes to arrival/departure times or a location of work are made.

How do I request a temporary alternative work arrangement?

Employee may discuss with Administrators/Manager/Supervisor the possibility to working temporarily at an alternative location.

Employees should be meeting workplace performance expectations in order to be considered for such an arrangement. In general, employees should demonstrate strong communication skills, an ability to perform work independently, and accomplish tasks as assigned in a timely manner. Other traits or skills may be necessary based on position responsibilities. During the CORONAVIRUS (COVID-19) response there is university-wide effort to make every effort to provide work at an alternative work site, therefore performance is not a main determining factor at this time.

Is a written agreement to work temporarily remotely required?

No. However,

  • Manager and employee should discuss telecommute arrangement, performance expectations, etc.
  • Manager may follow up with employee via e-mail regarding the temporary telecommuting arrangement to reduce misunderstandings and to ensure employee understands performance expectations.

Can hourly employees work remotely?

Yes, hourly employees can work remotely as long as they obtain supervisor approval to work remotely. Employees and supervisors are required to comply with all timekeeping and overtime regulations defined by policy. Hourly employees who work remotely are required to be cognizant of these policies and structure their remote work just as they would in a typical workplace.

Do exempt (monthly) employees keep track of hours worked?

No. Salaried employees are not covered by the overtime and record keeping requirements of the Fair Labor Standards Act. Therefore, there is inherent flexibility in work scheduling for those individuals. Even though the law allows this latitude, exempt staff members still need to discuss specific scheduling arrangements with their supervisors and obtain their approval.

Can I change my work hours, shift or work duties due to the CORONAVIRUS (COVID-19)?

With your supervisor approval, you may be able to change your hours, shift and work duties. You may also be able to cross-train in other areas and job duties in order to maintain continuity of operations. Speak with your supervisor about eligible alternate work arrangements.

Can my supervisor require that I work at an alternative work site or take on additional or different duties?

Yes, your supervisor may require you to change your worksite, including working remotely; and you may be assigned different duties. This is especially important to consider as a strong possibility due to the CORONAVIRUS (COVID-19) response as we are rapidly attempting to meet the needs of the university community. If you have concerns about this, please contact your area administrator.

Will employees be paid if a department shuts down due CORONAVIRUS (COVID-19) and there is no work to do from home?

Managers are encouraged to work with employees to explore all possibilities for campus or remote working options. This could include a temporary assignment to work in another UNMC area. If no remote or campus work option is possible, employees may use up to 160 hours of the emergency Administrative Paid Leave. Additional paid leave may be used per UNMC’s current paid leave policies.

If an employee is out sick for a couple of days, does employee need to provide a return to work note from their doctor?

Employees should follow the regular sick leave policies and procedures for any illnesses or symptoms not related to CORONAVIRUS (COVID-19)

Does an employee need a doctor’s note or FMLA if they would like to work from home due to a medical condition that places them at increased risk for CORONAVIRUS (COVID-19)?

Employees may contact Human Resources - Employee Relations to discuss their individual circumstances.

Who can managers contact for information related to temporary or permanent changes in workforce needs due to CORONAVIRUS (COVID-19)?

Human Resources – Compensation & Staffing is available to assist managers and administrators with questions related to workforce changes.

Can an employee work from home 4 hours and use 4 hours of the emergency Administrative Paid Leave?

Yes, with supervisor approval. 

Can staff who are identified as essential personnel utilize the emergency Administrative Paid Leave?

Yes, as circumstances permit. Please contact Human Resources - Employee Relations to discuss specific situations.

Will an employee need a doctor’s release to return to work if they are sick or quarantined due to CORONAVIRUS (COVID-19)?

Yes. For your safety, and that of entire UNMC community, you will be required to give your supervisor a note from your provider before you can return to work. UNMC Omaha campus employees are required take provider notes directly to Employee Health before they report to work. Employee Health will issue a return to work notice for the employee to give to the supervisor. You may contact Employee Health at 402-552-3563 (M-F; 7am-4:30 pm) for more information.

Are Post-Docs eligible for the 160 hours Administrative Leave?


Will the 160 hours of Administrative Leave be extended into 2021?

Given the ongoing uncertainties related to the pandemic, the emergency administrative leave policy has been extended through June 30, 2021. The emergency leave pool will remain at 160 hours; in other words, if you have already used a portion of the leave, your remaining "balance" will simply carry over into 2021.

What are the options for employees who are pregnant and have concerns related to CORONAVIRUS (COVID-19)?

All employees should discuss remote work options with their supervisor. Please contact Human Resources - Employee Relations for specific information related to individual situations.

Can employees donate some of their vacation leave to the Crisis Leave bank?

Yes, employees may donate up to 5 days (40 hours) of accrued Vacation Leave to the Crisis Leave bank. Vacation leave is still capped at 280 hours and only hours that have been accrued may be donated. Employees must complete and submit the Crisis Leave Donation form to their supervisor for verification of hours.    

Is the UNMC Child Development Center opening enrollment in response to CORONAVIRUS (COVID-19)?

Not at this time. Changes to enrollment will be communicated to the campus community.

Who do I contact if I have questions or concerns?

You may contact your supervisor or administrator.

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