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Letter from the Chair

November immediately brings Thanksgiving to mind for me. The holiday encourages me to reflect on all the things for which I am grateful and there are many! From the department perspective, I offer thanks for these items:
–  Donations that have been made to the University of Nebraska Foundation that provide us with opportunities for lectureships, professorships, and endowed chair positions. For example, in October, the geriatrics, gerontology, palliative care division was able to host a special lecture (the Rosenlof visit lectureship). They brought Dr. Shari Ling, the Deputy Chief Medical Officer for the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services to present our Grand Rounds. Importantly, this was also a great opportunity for networking of our faculty with a person who helps direct public policy in healthcare.  The event was certainly a wonderful legacy to Dr. Rosenlof, a graduate of our medical school and residency program, who helped bring geriatric care to our state.
– Renovation of patient care areas. The new cardiac cath and EP labs will start serving patients in early December. This will provide new state-of-the art facilities to help our physicians, colleagues, trainees, and students as they provide high quality patient care while enhancing both our education and research missions as well. We look forward to ongoing renovations in other areas important to our department mission.
– The great work of our trainees who completed their IM board exam this fall with a 100% pass rate for the third year in a row!
– The contributions of veterans to our country and the importance of our local VA to the activities of our department.
-The many accomplishments of our faculty, colleagues and trainees, some of which are highlighted in this newsletter.
I am being reminded about the importance of gratitude in my life from a variety of venues this year. Reflecting on those things for which I am grateful, elevates my mood and helps me perform my work. If you haven’t heard or seen the "mood elevator", take a look at the picture below. Recognizing your mood as you progress through your day and realizing how that may be influencing your work can be useful. We certainly will not be "grateful" all the time—but trying to move in that direction is itself a gift.

November is also a month we give back to the community through gifts to the United Way. Thanks to those who have already registered whether or not they will donate this year. United Way helps many organizations that improve the lives of our patients.
Here’s hoping the month of November provides some special moments of thanksgiving for you!