Meet the matches: Alexander Scheiber

The UNMC 2024 Match Day celebration was held at the Scott Conference Center at the University of Nebraska at Omaha, where eight out of 140 medical students at UNMC opened their envelopes and found they had matched to the UNMC Department of Anesthesiology.

Why did you choose the medical field?

In the summer following my 8th grade year, I had the opportunity to shadow some nurses at the Omaha Children’s Hospital. I had the distinct pleasure of being in the room for an open-heart procedure on a newborn infant, and from that moment I was hooked.

What made you choose anesthesiology?

During my sophomore year of high school, I was connected with an anesthesiologist who allowed me to shadow him. As a shadow, I saw that anesthesia perfectly combines internal medicine and surgery, which meant I could maintain my entire knowledge of human anatomy and physiology while working in the operating room and seeing all kinds of procedures. Most importantly, I wanted to become a doctor to care for patients during their lowest/hardest times. Anesthesia allows me to do this when our patients cannot do so for themselves – we become their voice and protector while they are anesthetized. 

List 3 accomplishments you are proud of:

1. Serving as a medical officer in the United States Army.

2. Raising a beautiful daughter with the love of my life.

3. Graduating medical school.

Three things about you that others may not know:

1. I am a fantasy and sci-fi fanatic, both literature and TV/film.

2. Despite living in Hawai’i for 4 years, I have never been surfing. In my opinion, snorkeling and diving are the best ways to experience the ocean.

3. My favorite genre of music to listen to and play is jazz.