Lookin’ at U – Ellen Duysen

Ellen Duysen

Ellen Duysen

Each Thursday, we randomly feature a medical center employee.

This week, we learn about Ellen Duysen, agricultural health center coordinator, environmental, agricultural and occupational health sciences in the College of Public Health.

  • Name: Ellen Duysen
  • Hometown: Phoenix, Ariz.
  • No. of years at UNMC: 19

Tell us what you do here at UNMC.
I have the pleasure of serving as the coordinator for the Central States Center for Agricultural Safety and Health (CS-CASH), a National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health-funded ag center within the College of Public Health. The mission of CS-CASH is to reduce the number of agricultural-related fatalities and injuries in the center’s seven-state region and throughout the U.S. My job entails planning, coordinating and monitoring research, prevention/intervention, education/translation, outreach, evaluation and cross-disciplinary efforts within the center. As part of our outreach program, I travel to agricultural events providing safety and health education to farmers and ranchers.

Working together is one of UNMC’s brand values. Tell us of a time you witnessed a person or group work together at UNMC.

This is a brand value that plays itself out each and every day in the College of Public Health. Many wonderful examples come to mind. One that impacted me directly took place during my first year as course director for the CS-CASH agricultural medicine course. This course, held each summer at the College of Public Health, brings in rural health care professionals from across the U.S. From the very first planning meeting, our administrator, Sherry Cherek, recognized my inexperience and anxiety. She immediately took me under her wing, from sending me gentle reminders and tips to expertly orchestrating the food service for each of the four day sessions. Sherry took on these responsibilities without prompting and without expecting any recognition. That is teamwork at its finest.

What is your favorite summer activity?

No question, a weeklong canoe trip in the Boundary Waters on the Canadian border with my family. Paddling and fishing during the day, camping, listening to the loons and tending mosquito bites by the light of the moon at night. Perfect.

List three things people may not know about you.

  • My husband and I have raised hogs, goats, calves, chickens and three rascally boys;
  • I was ticketed for drag racing on Central Avenue in Phoenix in my 1974 Challenger. (I was framed); and
  • I have never tried sushi.


  1. Debra Romberger says:

    Ellen is such an asset to the Ag Center!! Thanks for all you do!

  2. Sherry Martin says:

    This is a wonderful profile for a beautiful person inside and out. Ellen is extremely passionate about her work and it shows. When Ellen talks about what she does her voice is animated and her eyes are so expressive. She is a great asset to UNMC/College of Public Health and I am fortunate to have had the opportunity to work with her and to hang with her after hours. Thanks for sharing!

  3. Lea Pounds says:

    Ellen is a delight to work with. Her sense of humor helps get the team through the stressful times.

  4. Marlene Novotny says:

    Drag Racing 🙂 You go, girl!

  5. Atiim Jones says:

    I've had the pleasure of working with Ellen for several years and She's awesome! Speaking of Drag Racing, the Jeep's still running strong!!

  6. Ketki Patel says:

    You truly are vibrant, enthusiastic, and resourceful. It has always been a pleasure working with you. Wishing you the best for your endeavors.

  7. Rohan Jadhav says:

    Ellen, like Ketki said, you are resourceful and a big asset for CS-CASH family! I like to work with you!

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