UNMC for the record

From left, Chris Draft, Ron Hartman and Rudy Lackner, M.D.

From left, Chris Draft, Ron Hartman and Rudy Lackner, M.D.

After losing his wife to lung cancer in 2011, former NFL linebacker Chris Draft (left in photo above) made a pledge to do everything he could to make people aware of this deadly disease. To help spread the word, he travels to medical centers around the country and holds news conferences. Thursday, he came to The Nebraska Medical Center and teamed with Ron Hartman (center), a lung cancer survivor who was treated at the medical center, and Rudy Lackner, M.D. (right), a thoracic surgeon at the medical center who treated Hartman. They combined to deliver a strong message that encouraged people to “listen to their body” and seek early treatment. Although lung cancer is typically seen as a smoking disease, it’s ironic that neither Draft’s wife, LaKeasha Rutledge, nor Hartman were smokers. To help patients identify the disease early, the med center offers a lung cancer screening program at the Village Pointe Cancer Center in west Omaha for individuals who meet the proper criteria:

  • Smokers and former smokers.
  • 20-pack history — smoking one pack a day for 20 years or two packs a day for 10 years.
  • Patient must be at least 50 years old.

picture disc.

picture disc.

Ann Anderson Berry, M.D.

Jessica Snowden, M.D.

Two UNMC pediatricians, Ann Anderson Berry, M.D., division of neonatology, and Jessica Snowden, M.D., division of infectious diseases, received the Hobart E. Wiltse, M.D., Ph.D. Excellence in Medical Education Award at the Pediatric Residency Banquet last month. The award was established after Dr. Wiltse died in 2007. One of the outstanding educators on campus, Dr. Wiltse influenced many students to pursue pediatrics as a career. He retired in 2002 after 37 years on the faculty.

The Division of General Internal Medicine will be hosting a farewell/retirement tea for Merle McAlevy, M.D., on Tuesday, June 17 from 3 p.m. to 4 p.m. (presentation at 3:30 p.m.) in Private Dining Room A in University Tower. Dr. McAlevy completed his residency in Internal Medicine from 1972 to 1975 at UNMC. He was chief resident from 1974 to 1975 at the Omaha Veterans Administrative Hospital. After 42 years, Dr. McAlevy’s last day with UNMC will be on June 30.

The 2014 Cattlemen’s Ball of Nebraska is officially sold out. Tickets are no longer available to purchase for the event, and there are no ticket sales at the gate. The annual event will be held at the Hoot Owl Ranch in southern Banner County on June 6 and 7 to raise money for cancer research. The Cattlemen’s Ball is hosted by owners, Jeff & Kathy May; along with the ranch managers, Kenny & Misty Stauffer. The mission for this event is to raise money for cancer research at the Fred & Pamela Buffett Cancer Center at UNMC, while showcasing the Nebraska panhandle and promoting beef as part of a healthy diet. Since its inception, the Cattlemen’s Ball has raised more than $9.8 million. In addition to providing funds to the cancer center, 10 percent of the proceeds will go to local health care organizations.