Director’s message: The importance of awareness

October is a busy month.

Not only is it National Disability Employment Awareness Month, but it is also Down Syndrome Awareness Month.

That is an important word, awareness. In so many situations, increased awareness and knowledge can lead to increased understanding, cooperation and acceptance.

At MMI, we are tireless in our efforts to spread awareness, through advocacy, of the many issues of concern to individuals with intellectual or developmental disabilities and their families. Initiatives such as the Light It Up Blue event at the Kerrey Pedestrian Bridge, advocacy on Nebraska’s approval of Achieving a Better Life Experience (ABLE) banks accounts for people with disabilities, and participation in the Arc Senatorial Dinner to help legislators understand issues facing the IDD community are just three of many ways MMI advocates and raises awareness.

Awareness does not always, unfortunately, equate to understanding and acceptance. But it is the first step, and at MMI, we are hard at work to help others understand not only the challenges our communities face, but the accomplishments we’ve already achieved and the goals that we dare to dream for the future — a future of awareness, acceptance and equal opportunities.

Happy October. There is a lot to learn about the IDD community, and MMI is proud of its part in telling the story.