Research Notes – UNMC paper looks at brain inflammation

A UNMC research team has determined that brain inflammation disrupts the ability of cells to communicate in large groups and may enhance neuron death and lead to worse disease outcomes.

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Members of the research team include: Front row (left to right) – Tammy Kielian, Ph.D., Teresa Fritz and Amanda Angle. Back row — Nikolay Karpuk, Ph.D. and Maria Burkovetskaya.
The study was reported in a recent issue of The Journal of Neuroscience, one of the leading neuroscience journals. The research team included Nikolay Karpuk, Ph.D., Maria Burkovetskaya, Teresa Fritz, Amanda Angle and Tammy Kielian, Ph.D., all in the department of pathology and microbiology.

The research found that brain inflammation leads to disturbances in the normal properties of astrocytes, which maintain equilibrium in the brain and are beneficial to the survival of neurons.

“If we can understand the molecular events responsible for how cells communicate in the brain, we may be able to harness this information to devise novel treatments that could impact the course of neurodegenerative diseases,” Dr. Kielian said.