Legislative District 26

Medical bag icon

304 Health professionals
in your district graduated from UNMC.

Hospital icon

39 UNMC employees
live and pay taxes in the district.

Graduation cap icon

40 Current UNMC students
graduated from a high school in your district.

Stethoscope icon

6 Health professionals in your district
help train UNMC students in a clinic in your district.

Programs impacting your district

  • Children’s Dental Day provides free comprehensive dental care for at-risk children. More than $2.5 million in services has been delivered through the event. UNMC’s College of Dentistry has held the event twice a year since 2001.
  • The Health Information Service through UNMC’s McGoogan Library provides free medical information to all Nebraska residents. go.unmc.edu/health-info
  • The Munroe-Meyer Institute provides pediatric behavioral health clinics for children who need mental health services. unmc.edu/mmi/behavioral