Re-Imagining U program offers new cohorts

Re-Imagining U, a collaborative employee training and development program organized by UNMC and UNO Human Resource Offices, is beginning new cohorts on Feb. 8, Feb. 14 and Feb. 20.

A cohort is a more extensive learning opportunity with tangible outcomes and behavior changes due to the active learning and group application work. Cohorts will meet four times — once per month — over the semester, with pre-work and homework from each session that stair step to a transformational outcome.

Registration is now open and the three cohorts begin:

  • Feb. 8: Development 301 — Developing U Cohort
  • Feb. 14: Excellence through Enterprise Business Agility Cohort
  • Feb. 20: Teamwork through Navigating Difficult Conversations Cohort

See more information about the cohorts and registration here.

Re-Imagining U was created for UNMC and UNO employees to provide them the opportunity to customize their learning and skill development in a way that is right for them.

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