Six INBRE Scholars recognized as Rising Stars

LeeAnna Lui is one of six students recognized as an INBRE Undergraduate Rising Star

Six undergraduate students were recognized as INBRE Undergraduate Rising Stars at the 2021 IDeA Central Regional Conference held virtually July 26-27. 

The honorees included: 

  • Johnny Dinh Phan, University of Kansas Medical Center;  

  • Elizabeth Holmes and Jason Becker, Augustana University, South Dakota; 

  • LeeAnna Lui, University of Nebraska at Omaha; 

  • Nicholas Bergum, University of North Dakota; and 

  • Emily Bedea, Southwester Oklahoma State University 

"In recognition of the rising talent in each state, these students were chosen by their INBRE principal investigator as the top undergraduate in their programs to represent them," said Paul Sorgen, Ph.D., director of the NE-INBRE program. 

Dr. Sorgen said each student gave a 10-minute oral presentation, answered questions from the virtual audience and received certificates for their achievements. 

The student also received a $250 cash award donated by the National Associated of IDeA Principal Investigators. 

Click here to listen to one of the students talk about her experiences in the INBRE program. 

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