Director’s Message

Dr. Paul Sorgen, far right, presents the James Turpen INBRE Scholar Excellence Award to Isioma Akwanamnye, a senior at Chadron State College. Standing next to Isioma is her mentor, Dr. Ann Buchmann.

Hello to my Nebraska INBRE Family,

It was great to see everyone “in-person” at the Annual Conference in Nebraska City!

The meeting was truly a success and I thank all the Scholars, DRPP faculty, and Core facility directors for such high-quality presentations!

I also would like to give my thanks to DMD consulting and our External Advisory Board for taking the pulse of the NE-INBRE program and giving us important feedback to improve our program.

With that I have some sad news, Sam Enna, Chair of our External Advisory Board from the beginning of the program has retired. He is such a valuable member of our NE-INBRE family, and he will be missed. His guidance and mentorship are invaluable. We are currently looking into his replacement and hopefully will have a new External Advisory Board member by the end of the year.

I hope everyone has had a good start to their fall semester. Dr. Soukup and I will be meeting with each of the campuses via Zoom in the next few weeks.

We look forward to hearing about all the great things going on at each campus and finding out which labs our new Scholars will be performing their research in over the next two years.

In January 2023, we will have four new DRPP faculty members. Dr. Caplan did an amazing job, helped by a panel of professors, to rank the ten submitted applications. Awards will go out after approval of the External Advisory Board. 

I hope you all stay warm as winter is approaching and I want to thank everyone in the NE-INBRE network for making this program such a success. 

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