Institutional Biosafety Committee moves to online application

The Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC) is going electronic.

Effective Jan. 31, the online application for the IBC will be available at Research protocols subject to review by the IBC must be submitted through this online application. After this date, the IBC will no longer accept new protocols in paper format.

Existing protocols should be submitted at the time of continuing review. Continuing review for existing studies may be submitted in paper format until Jan. 31. After Jan. 31, all continuing reviews must be submitted online through the web application.

“After the launch date, the Office of Regulatory Affairs (ORA) and the IBC will schedule training sessions for investigators both at UNMC and UNO,” said Bruce Gordon, M.D., assistant vice chancellor for regulatory affairs. “Individual training can also be arranged through ORA. As always, the IBC administrators and ORA staff are available for assistance.”