Walter Brooks UNMC public affairs

Red Dress dinner and seminar draws record crowd

More than 600 women attended the Second Annual Heart and Soul Red Dress Dinner and Seminar under the Mutual of Omaha Dome last month.

May 21, 2007

Dr. Rizzino receives 2007 UNMC Faculty Mentor of the Year Award

During an interview for a high-school teaching position, UNMC’s A. “Angie” Rizzino, Ph.D., was asked a simple question. More than 40 years later his answer remains the hallmark of his vision as a biomedical researcher/educator. “I was asked, which came first, my students or my subject,” said Dr. Rizzino, professor and program director of UNMC’s Eppley Institute, who is the 2007 UNMC Faculty Mentor of the Year. “Without the slightest hesitation, I said, ‘My students come first.’

Apr 20, 2007

UNMC co-sponsoring nursing conference in India

The first nursing conference in India co-sponsored by UNMC and The Nebraska Medical Center will be held in Mumbai, India, on Friday and Saturday. The conference, which is a collaboration with P. J. Hinduja National Hospital and Nursing College, is organized and led by Nizar Mamdani, executive director of the International Healthcare Services (IHS).

Mar 22, 2007

Recognizing Dr. Ghorpade — Gilmore style

Anuja Ghorpade, Ph.D., executive vice chairwoman and associate professor in the department of pharmacology and experimental neuroscience, was presented with the Gilmore Award on Tuesday.

Mar 21, 2007

Dr. Ghorpade receives 2007 Gilmore Award

In the highly competitive world of biomedical research, Anuja Ghorpade, Ph.D. — recipient of the 2007 Joseph P. Gilmore Outstanding Investigator Award — may be an anomaly. Although most researchers are encouraged to find their niche at another institution after completing post-doctoral fellowships, Dr. Ghorpade has spent her entire 12-year career at UNMC.

Mar 19, 2007

SAGH event attendees get overview of drug-resistant TB strain

The New York Times on Jan. 28 broke a story of an astonishing new drug-resistant strain of tuberculosis among HIV-positive patients in southern Africa. Three days earlier, on Jan. 25, those attending the UNMC Student Alliance for Global Health (SAGH) 2007 “Wine & Cheese Benefit” received a detailed overview of this catastrophic development from guest speaker Susan Swindells, M.B.B.S., medical director of the UNMC HIV Clinic and the Terry K. Watanabe Chairwoman of HIV Research.

Feb 26, 2007

UNMC students to attend international forum in Tokyo

For the second-straight year, UNMC will have student representatives at the International Student Forum, which will be held at the Institute of Medical Science at the University of Tokyo in late June.

Feb 19, 2007

Chinese medical exchange students return home

The heart of the Asian Pacific Rim Development Program is the continued exchange of students between UNMC and Chinese biomedical institutions. The second delegation of four Chinese medical students finished their three-month rotation at UNMC in December. In parting, these students left UNMC Today with some of their most lasting impressions about UNMC and America.

Feb 19, 2007

Nursing grad student performs in Tuskegee Airmen tribute

Dorothea Clute is used to serious challenges.
The former high school honor student and athlete received her bachelor of science in nursing degree from UNMC in 2001. She spent the next 18 months working in the liver/small bowel transplant unit of University Tower, then four more years in home health care, including a term as interim director of clinical services and competency tester for nursing assistants. … Considering all this, who would guess that one of her real passions is wearing a cow costume and performing live on stage?

Feb 16, 2007

Dr. Pamies hosts third annual diversity celebration

Rubens Pamies, M.D., UNMC vice chancellor for academic affairs and dean for graduate studies, has served in a number of positions at major biomedical institutions where the minority members were a small, often scattered, portion of the campus. That’s why he inaugurated the annual “Diversity Celebration” for minorities at UNMC in 2005. The Third Annual Diversity Celebration was Jan. 19 at Happy Hollow Country Club. More than 60 faculty members, students, graduate students, post-doctoral researchers and their family members attended.

Feb 5, 2007

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