UNMC, Nebraska Med experts lead webinars on Ebola

Angela Hewlett, M.D., assistant professor, infectious diseases at the UNMC College of Medicine, and assistant medical director of the Biocontainment Unit, will deliver one in a series of webinars on Ebola that begins this week.

Experts at UNMC and its primary clinical partner, Nebraska Medicine, will present world-leading information regarding Ebola for Nebraska health care providers and EMS personnel during a series of webinars in November.

UNMC and Nebraska Medicine have emerged among the world leaders in the care, protocols, research and education on Ebola. The potentially deadly viral infection has reached epidemic proportions in West Africa, and a few isolated cases have been seen in the U.S. Two Americans who contracted the disease in West Africa have been treated successfully at the Med Center’s Biocontainment Unit.

The webinars are set to run one hour, with an educational presentation by a Biocontainment Unit expert, followed by questions from participants. Webinar participants will learn about best practices in case of a walk-in patient, waste management and cleaning, sample testing and transport, managing patient care leading up to transport to another facility, personal-protective equipment and other infection-control protocols, and emergency transport planning and policies.

The limited streaming space for the webinars will be reserved for Nebraska participants. Sessions will be recorded and will be available online for later worldwide dissemination.

To register, click here. For more information contact Keith Hansen, associate director, the Center for Preparedness Education, at 402-552-3501.

The webinar series is as follows. All sessions will begin at noon Central time.

  • Tuesday, Nov. 4: “What to do in the ED with a possible Ebola patient,” Shelly Schwedhelm, director, emergency department, trauma & preparedness services, Nebraska Medicine; Suzanne Watson, manager, emergency department, Nebraska Medicine.
  • Tuesday, Nov. 11: “Personal Protective Equipment & Infection Control,” Mark Rupp, M.D., professor, infectious diseases, UNMC College of Medicine.
  • Thursday, Nov. 13: “EMS: Transportation, Planning, Policies & Decontamination,” John Lowe, Ph.D., assistant professor, environmental, agricultural and occupational health, UNMC College of Public Health.
  • Tuesday, Nov. 18: “Testing and Transport of Laboratory Samples,” Pete Iwen, Ph.D., professor, pathology & microbiology, UNMC College of Medicine.
  • Thursday, Nov. 20: “Clinical Care of an Ebola Patient,” Angela Hewlett, M.D., assistant professor, infectious diseases, UNMC College of Medicine, assistant medical director, Biocontainment Unit.
  • Tuesday, Nov. 25: “Managing Patient Waste, and Cleaning Patient Rooms and Other Areas,” Shawn Gibbs, Ph.D., professor, environmental, agricultural and occupational health, UNMC College of Public Health.
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1 comment

  1. Connie Jo Goochey says:

    Is there any way that our facility can get the EMS transport Planning Policies and Decontamination information and the Managing Patient waste, and cleaning patient rooms and other areas.

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