Medical research highlights, February 2024

Hanjun Wang, MD

The UNMC College of Medicine received grant and funding awards totaling nearly $3.9 million in December. Awards included:

Hanjun Wang, MD, anesthesiology, received a grant of $564,745 from DHHS/NIH/NHLBI to study Nrf2 and the exaggerated exercise pressor reflex in peripheral arterial disease.

Jingwei Xie, PhD, surgery-surgery transplant, received a grant of $286,500 from the University of Missouri-Columbia for a study titled “Multifunctional Intelligent Hierarchical Fibrous Biomaterials Integrated with Multimodal Biosensing and Feedback-Based Interventions for Healing Infected Chronic Wounds.”

Scot Ouellette, PhD, pathology, microbiology and immunology, received a grant of $99,775 from the Louisiana State University for a study on CRISPR interference of essential stage-specific-gene function in chlamydia trachomatis.

Siddappa Byrareddy, PhD, pharmacology and experimental neuroscience, received a grant of $99,146 from the Glebe Medical Research Foundation-NU Foundation for a study on understanding molecular mechanisms of post-acute sequelae of COVID-19 (PASC) in hamster models.

Wallace Thoreson, PhD, ophthalmology and visual sciences, received a grant of $94,475 from Wayne State University for a study on novel early retinal imaging biomarkers for treating later spatial memory loss in experimental Alzheimer’s disease.

Kyle Hewitt, PhD, genetics, cell biology and anatomy, received a grant of $75,000 from the University of Utah for the Hematology Central Coordinating Center for the NIDDK Hematology Centers Program.

Rebekah Gundry, PhD, cellular and integrative physiology, received a grant of $55,995 from Kings College London for a study exploring the translational potential of the NPY Y4 receptor for treating type 1 diabetes.

Sunyoung Kim, PhD, surgery-cardiothoracic surgery, received a grant of $55,000 from the Thoracic Surgery Foundation for the Nina Starr Braunwald Research Fellowship – “Alcohol and Notch Pathway Mutations Synergistically Induce Atrioventricular Canal Defects: Potential Rescue by Folic Acid.”

Stephen Gliske, PhD, neurosurgery, received a grant of $27,766 from the University of Michigan for a study characterizing high-frequency oscillations as an epilepsy biomarker with big data tools.

Sidharth Mahapatra, MD, PhD, pediatrics-critical care, received a grant of $20,000 from the University of Pennsylvania for the Prone and Oscillation Pediatric Clinical Trial.

Kusum Kharbanda, PhD, internal medicine-GI, received a grant of $13,304 from the University of Toledo for a study of phosphodiesterase 4B inhibition as a therapeutic target for alcohol-associated liver disease.

El Kerns, PhD, pediatrics-biomedical informatics, received a grant of $12,500 from the American Academy of Pediatrics for the AAP Pediatric Acute & Critical Care Quality Network Improving Mental Health Processes, Workflows, and Responses Project.

Steven Yeh, MD, ophthalmology and visual sciences, received a grant of $3,500 from the University of California-San Francisco for ocular pathogen and transcriptome investigation using comprehensive sequencing.

Industry-sponsored grants and contracts:

Kevin Kemp, MD, surgery-acute care, received funding for a trial evaluating the use of BE1116 (4-Factor Prothrombin Complex Concentrate) in patients with traumatic injury and acute major bleeding to improve survival.

Ronald Zolty, MD, PhD, internal medicine-cardiovascular, received funding for a study of the effects of Ziltivekimab versus placebo on morbidity and mortality in patients with heart failure with mildly reduced or preserved ejection fraction and systemic inflammation.

Bryant England, MD, PhD, internal medicine-rheumatology, received funding for a study on a risk-factor guided approach to interstitial lung disease screening in patients with rheumatoid arthritis at higher risk for ILD using high-resolution computed tomography.

Nicole Shonka, MD, internal medicine-oncology/hematology, received funding for a study of APG-157 with Bevacizumab for patients with recurrent high-grade glioma.

Mara Seier, MD, neurological sciences, received funding for a study of the safety and efficacy of JZP385 in the treatment of adults with moderate to severe essential tremor.

Tammy Wichmann, MD, internal medicine-pulmonary, received funding for a study to assess the safety and efficacy of Ifetroban in patients with diffuse cutaneous systemic sclerosis or systemic sclerosis associated pulmonary arterial hypertension.

Christopher Barrett, MD, surgery-acute care surgery, received funding for a clinical performance evaluation of T-TAS 01 PL chip.

Ann Anderson Berry, MD, PhD, pediatrics-newborn medicine, received funding for “Optimizing Pharmacologic Treatment for Neonatal Opioid Withdrawal Syndrome.”

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