Steve Pera

Update a Grant

asdf ; grant ñ

Nov 22, 2015

Testing CK Editor

This is a synopsis

Aug 24, 2012

Testing New Editor & Old

Synopsis + &

Dec 5, 2011

Testing Linked headline & Title

This is a link to a news story somewhere else. &

Nov 19, 2011

Lookin’ at U — Marlese Grant

This week, we learn more about Marlese Grant, administrative associate in the College of Public Health dean’s office.

Oct 13, 2011

Student government application forms available until Oct. 24

Application forms for those who want to run for Student Senate president, vice president and at-large senate seats are now available in the UNMC Counseling and Student Development Office in Bennett Hall, Room 6001.

Oct 12, 2011

Lot 15 south entrance to close for final Emile Bend construction phase

Starting Wednesday, the south entrance to Parking Lot No. 15 of the Student Life Center (39th and Jones Street) will close for approximately three to four weeks for construction.

Oct 10, 2011

Test again

This is a caption: and this is text following the caption This is another caption: and this is more text following the other cation Yet another caption:  Still more text.  Will it ever end? This is a caption: and this is text following the caption This is another caption: and this is more text following […]

Oct 7, 2011

UNMC LiveGreen – Introducing ‘Flip the Switch’

On Monday, UNMC LiveGreen will initiate a pilot campaign titled “Flip the Switch” in the Campus Administration Building.

Jul 29, 2011

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