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Graduate Studies

Matriculation ‘the beginning of a new chapter’

UNMC Graduate Studies celebrated the arrival of more than 200 students at its annual Matriculation Ceremony Aug. 15 at Durham Research Center I auditorium. “Take a deep breath,” Graduate Student Association (GSA) president Sophia Kisling told the assembled crowd. “This marks the beginning of a new chapter in your lives.” The new students were welcomed […]

Oct 23, 2023

Graduate Student Association (GSA) president Sophia Kisling greeted new students at the matriculation ceremony welcome reception.

Aldhafiri sees clinical pharmacology as ‘a bridge’

A Graduate Studies student spotlight! Name: Wafaa Aldhafiri Hometown: Riyadh, Saudi Arabia Graduate Studies program: Pharmaceutical sciences graduate program Anticipated graduation: May 2024 Advisor: DJ Murry, PharmD What do you love about your field of study? What I love about clinical pharmacology is the opportunity to serve as a bridge, linking diverse disciplines and constructing […]

Oct 23, 2023

Wafaa Aldahafiri

Interprofessional Academy of Educators inducts 43 new members

The IAE connects a community of educators to further the mission of improving the educational experience.

Oct 16, 2023

Allied health to hold distance education open house

The virtual information session is set for Thursday, Oct. 12, from 7-8 p.m.

Oct 9, 2023

UNMC forms task force to explore impact of AI

The working group, which crosses the campus and key clinical partners, is a critical step in understanding AI’s benefits and minimizing the risks.

Sep 20, 2023

Emily Glenn and Rachel Lookadoo, JD, co-chairs of the AI task force

Third-generation UNMC student embraces family ties to MMI

Jueliet Menolascino started medical school this fall in the MD/MPH dual degree program.

Sep 18, 2023

Jueliet Menolascino is a third-generation UNMC student with family ties to the Munroe-Meyer Institute.

UNMC enrollment increases for 23rd straight year

The largest enrollment increases are in allied health professions, public health and graduate studies.

Sep 7, 2023

Students on the Ruth and Bill Scott Student Plaza as they return to campus for the start of a new semester on Wednesday, August 17, 2022.

New MD-PhD students prepare for their UNMC journey

Five MD-PhD students are part of the 2023-24 entering class.

Sep 6, 2023

From left, incoming MD-PhD students Alexis Shindhelm, Hannah Larsen, Steph Maurina, Sarah Uhm and Colin White

New Student Senate officers named

Katie Schultis of Diller, Nebraska, will be Student Senate president and represent UNMC as student regent.

Aug 29, 2023

From left, Katie Schultis, Shaker Dukkipati, Jordan Knapp and Skyler Maclean

Alumni events set for fall semester

Registration for events is now open.

Aug 23, 2023