An EVS appreciation contest

Let’s have a little contest in recognition of this week as National Healthcare Environmental Services Week.

Comment on this story with the full name of your favorite medical center EVS worker along with a few words about how great he or she is.

The EVS worker who generates the most comments — or “votes” — gets a $30 gift card to Crave in Midtown Crossing.

You can vote:

  • For more than one EVS worker; but
  • Only once for each EVS worker.

The “polls” close today at 5 p.m.

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  1. Marlese Grant says:

    Clyde (Bubba) Roberts and Dale Dingus at the CoPH do an amazing job. They keep everything looking beautiful.

  2. Diane says:

    Linda Flowers and Bob Wachter in Bennett Hall. They are always willing to help and very friendly.

  3. john navis says:

    My vote is for Tami Ballenger. She does an incredible job cleaning our department and is always friendly

  4. Renee Crosby says:

    Betty Bonaparte does a wonderful job on the 5th floor of MSB.

  5. Coeta hampton says:

    Tomas Dizcaya-Landaverde is an environmental employeed in the MSB building. He is the most friendly, respectful environmental sevice person I've met in the 5 years of me being employed here. He always has a smile and speaks. His presence uplifts my spirit. He does an oustanding job in his performance and goes above and beyond his call of duty without anyone having to ask him. He is the EVS worker of the year.

  6. John Navis says:

    My vote is for Tami Ballenger. Tami does an incredible job cleaning our department and is also cheerful and freindly.

  7. Jun Ikari says:

    I want to nominate Rose Milan.She makes us happy not only for her great job but also her kindness.

  8. Youri says:

    Lisa Lantz is always friendly and cheers you up at morning time!

  9. Michelle says:

    Tami Ballenger is very friendly. She always has a smile on her face and is always willing to go the extra mile.

  10. Tricia Rump says:

    Kouka works in our area of Comparative Medicine in DRC II. All the managers just love him and he does such an outstanding job. He is always friendly and has the office cleaned well before we all come in to the office so he doesn't disrupt our work.

  11. Kim Minino says:

    Criag Lainson he takes great pride in the job he does and it shows.

  12. Connie says:

    Kouka does a great job and is alway very friendly.

  13. Brenda Ram says:

    As an UNMC CCE employee, I really appreciate Tami's excellent service and personal care she provides to each of us in keeping our area tidy and well kept. Thanks Tami!

  14. John Lof says:

    Bob Brandt and Lisa Lantz do a great job for us on ESH5! We appreciate it very much.

  15. Patti Nowicki says:

    Kouka does an outstanding job in the Comparative Medicine Department. I've worked in a few buildings on the UNMC campus and he by far does the very best job. Kouka is always very friendly and curtious. I feel he goes above and beyond what is required of him and he is considered by all of us, another member of our group here in CM!

  16. Anthony says:

    Tomas Vizcaya-Landaverde does an exceptional job! He is always courteous and always has a positive attitude.

  17. Gloria Chavez says:

    Kouka does a great job for us in Comparative Medicine!

  18. Morgan Morton says:


  19. yanhua yang says:

    Kouka does a great job!

  20. Don Coyne says:

    My vote is for Betty Bonaparte , who takes care of the MSB 5th floor. She cares for our floor as if it was her own home and we were her family. (Which we are) No matter the workload, Betty is always upbeat and more concerned about others than herself .

  21. renee says:

    Kouka is the best for Comparative Medicine

  22. Roger White says:

    Roger White Lisa Lantz and Bob Brandt

    Lisa and Bob Always willing to do the extra work as Is needed.

  23. Elizabeth Revers says:

    Kouka sure melt my heart whenever I had lousey morning he used to cheerful that make me forget what it was lousey morning..He is very outstand for his work at DRC 1 at comparative mediciane. He is the one of best I have ever had! SMILE Kouka!!!

  24. Alex Mohr says:

    Kouka is an excellent worker. Everything is always done in a timely manner and with care. He makes sure our area always looks great and that is sometimes a challenge as we can be a bit messy. 🙂 I think he should definiitely win!

  25. Paul G Tomich says:

    My vote is for Tomas Dizcaya-Landaverde. He takes great pride in his work, does and excellent job and ALWAYS has a smile and a kind word as well as he is working in our area>

  26. Steph Staehr says:

    Betty Bonaparte is always the first person to say "hi" to me in the morning and "have a great day" when she leaves. She takes pride in her work and it shows. She always has a positive attitude no matter what, and she definitely deserves to be recognized for her hard work and dedication to the 5th floor and to everyone that works up here.

  27. Nicki Simmons says:

    What an awesome idea! Look at all the comments. We have great EVS here!

    My vote is for Linda Flowers and Bob Wachter! Very hard workers. We appreciate all they do. Always have smiles on their faces and ready to do whatever we need. Thanks for all your hard work!

  28. Wattana Barrett says:

    Kauka is such a wonderful worker who is always willing to help out anyone. Kauka has provided an out standing service to our department. Thank you Kauka

  29. Sonja Cox says:

    Hope Cutler gets my vote. She always say hello and does a great job!

  30. LaDean Gibbs says:

    I vote for Betty Bonaparte. She is our very thorough cleaning lady. She always has a friendly happy greeting every single time she sees you. She takes her work seriously and goes above and beyond to make sure everything is nice and clean. She is very professional and has that sweet smile which makes her a pleasure to have around. LaDean Gibbs

  31. Lynne Roh says:

    I vote for Betty Bonaparte. Betty is a vital part of our Internal Medicine team. She is a very hard worker and always has a cheerful demeanor. She does a great job and is consistent in her attention to detail. Betty is very professional and knows how to be a team player. I appreciate the wonderful job she does day after day. Thanks Betty!
    Lynne Roh

  32. Elvira Howard says:

    My vote is for Tami Ballenger. She is truly one of the best cleaning people we have ever had. Not only does she clean exceptionally well but she does it with a smile. We have not been in our new building long but we all recognized what a great service she provides daily. She became a part of our CCE family immediately and we all appreciate all she does. THANK YOU TAMI!!!!

  33. Chuck Brown says:

    Craig Lainson and Zonia Nazaruk rule!

  34. Pat O'Neil says:

    I vote for Linda Flowers – a woman who does a great job keeping the 5th floor of Bennett Hall sparkling, and who always has a smile and a kind word. Her positive and up beat attitude always bring a smile to my face. She genuinely cares about her job, and the people she works with and I'm very glad she works with me.

  35. Mary Wettengel says:

    Joel from the Peds Clinic is awesome!!

  36. Deb Romberger says:

    Kudos to Betty Bonaparte for her work in the MSB 5th floor. She does great work and so friendly and interested in others.

  37. Bill O'Neill says:

    Craig and Zonia, of course!

  38. Diane Strnad says:

    My vote is for Hope Cutler. Hope does a great job with cleaning in the Sorrell Center and always very plesant!

  39. Sheri says:

    I'm sorry that I didn't see this yesterday, but still wanted to say that Craig Lainson & Zonia Nazaruk always go above and beyond for us, and we appreciate all they do!

  40. Rita says:

    Rita – I too, did not see this until today.
    Greg, Larry and Tonya in SWH – they are the best and always working hard! Appreciate your work.

  41. Melissa says:

    Zonia Nazaruk oobviously cares about offering a clean environment for all of us. I vote for her!

  42. Ying Yan says:

    Lisa Lantz has been doing a wonderful job to keep all labs at the Eppley Science Hall 9th floor clean and well-organized. We greatly appreciate her service here!

  43. Jacob Contreras says:

    Lisa Lantz is a phenomenal person who goes above and beyond in keeping the ESH building looking good. She is a positive person who not only does her job well but brings joy into our workday! We appreciate Lisa Lantz!

  44. Xing Zhao says:

    Lisa Lantz is the best and my favorite. She always does a wonderful job.

  45. Anthony Baumgardner EVS super says:

    This is a EVS CREED that i wrote for my company, my crew agreed with it so here it is.Iam an american health care worker. Iam a member of a team.I serve the people of this community. I will always place my residents first.I will never abandon my residents in crisis.I will never stop protecting my residents. we will always keep the area clean. EVS WORKERS GAHC

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