An EVS appreciation contest

Let’s have a little contest in recognition of this week as National Healthcare Environmental Services Week.

Comment on this story with the full name of your favorite medical center EVS worker along with a few words about how great he or she is.

The EVS worker who generates the most comments — or “votes” — gets a $30 gift card to Crave in Midtown Crossing.

You can vote:

  • For more than one EVS worker; but
  • Only once for each EVS worker.

The “polls” close today at 5 p.m.

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  1. Emergency Medicine-Alisa says:

    Our EVS working is Mary Walls, she is AMAZING! Before she started cleaning our department, it constantly smelled and looked dirty. Since Mary, things get dusted and washed down on a daily basis as well as the floor cleaned way more then it was before. We love Mary and hope she stays with us a long time!

  2. Julie Zetterman says:

    Willy is fantastic. He always has a smile on his face, makes us feel good and is part of this department.

  3. Steve Dixon says:

    My vote is for Guy "Kuka" Ouedrago. Kuka is very professional, he performs all of his work in a very timely manner and he pays such attention to detail. Additionally, he is an "all-around good Guy." We have been so fortunate to have Kuka assigned to our department here in the Durham Research Centers. Thanks so much Kuka. Steve Dixon, Director, Comparative Medicine, Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research.

  4. jean balsano says:

    LaTanya who works here in Swanson Hall always has a GREAT attitude, a smile and a ready "hello". She is helpful with any special needs residents of Swanson Hall may have at anytime. She is appreciated among SWH residents and recognition of her service is deserving…

  5. Valerie Gunderson says:

    THE BEST EVS EMPLOYEE EVER…is Tami Ballenger. She consistently goes above and beyond to make sure we have everything we need, as well as anticipating what we need. Even though it wasn't her job, she even stopped by the other day to tell me that she noticed our buildings elevator was being worked on so it would be down for a while. THANK YOU TAMI for "everything" you do for us here at UNeMed! Val Gunderson, Office Manager

  6. Flatbush Pacogi says:

    Tomas Vizcaya-Landeverde: Tomas is an employee who is diligent in his duties; you never need to point anything out to him that needs done because he has already done it. Any time we ask anything extra of Tomas he is there with helpful willing hands with a smile on his face. He is an asset to the department of EVS, and would be missed by everyone on the 4th floor of MSB building.
    Thank you : Vickey Cordoba 9-6730

  7. Jessica Brummer says:

    Public Relations loves Zonia!!! She is a super hard worker and brings a smile to work every day.

  8. Carin Borg says:

    TOMAS VIZCAYA-LANDAVERDE – Tomas is fantastic!! He takes care of us on the MSB 4th floor like no one ever has. And always with a smile!

  9. Julie Maloney says:

    Lisa Lantz is absolutely the best. Not only does she keep my office spotless, but she goes the extra mile on a daily basis. She even brought my plant back to life … I was ready to throw it away, since I don't have a place to get water for it. She found a place and helped me deep water it. It is now doing great. Her sunny disposition is always welcome. Great job, Lisa! — Julie Maloney

  10. Eileen Andersen says:

    We have a great EVS team in ITS — Zonia Nazaruk & Craig Lainson. They both work hard to keep our area sparkling clean. Eileen Andersen ITS

  11. LaKeya Timberlake says:

    Darrell(who works in CON) is always very helpful, has a smile on his face & eager to help. He's a awesome people person who has been a great replacement for Ace when he retired. I think they could not have picked a better person. He's always here on time & ready to help when & where ever needed. Thanks Darrell for all of your hard work here at CON.

  12. consensation WCa8Su says:

    I would like to recommend Gregory. Gregory has worked in my building for over ten years. Besides the every day long list of duties that he must complete, there are those special occasions that I have asked that he go above and beyond. This includes when we have special guests coming through our section and we need our area to shine both academically and cleanliness. I so appreciate everything that he does. Thank you for giving me this opportunity. Carla M. Pospisal (SWH 4023)

  13. Stacia says:

    Tomas Vizcaya-Landaverde! He takes care of all of us on MSB 4th floor and is truly amazing! He is kind, friendly and goes out of his way to clean areas that he shouldn't have to.

  14. Lisa Allen says:

    I don't know their last names but Larry and Greg who work in Swanson Hall are the best!

  15. Yvette Holly says:

    I would like to recognize Criag Lainson. Craig does a terrific job and always has a smile and a friendly, upbeat attitude.

  16. Lisa Bally says:

    Tamil Ballenger here at Annex 14 is absolutely the best EVS worker I have come across. We already consider her to be one of our "family."

  17. Greg says:

    Our EVS person, Zonia (like Cher she has no last name), is great. She works hard to make sure our common areas and work areas are tidy. She is always friendly and willing to work around us as needed. She never complains if we ask her to do a little extra.

  18. marlene haske says:

    Joyce Pugh is my favorite EVS worker! She is so consistant and thorough and ever so thoughtful. She keeps our workspace super clean and we are VERY thankful for her!!!!

  19. Linda Love, Faculty Development says:

    Tami Ballenger is AWESOME! Not only is she a hard worker, her work RESULT is excellent!
    Her helpful and cheerful disposition adds even more to her value, and we really consider her an important part of our team in Annex 14.

  20. Tere says:

    Kayla Cokes…Kayla does an excellent Job in UNMC Physicians offices. She will go out of her way to make sure your needs are taken care of in a timely manner

  21. Roxanne Wynne says:

    Kayla Cokes

  22. Sheryl Brietzke says:

    Zonia Nazaruk – Zonia is not only bubbly, friendly, and makes my day everyday, she is a very conscientious worker, making sure everything is done and in order. Its a pleasure to have her working here at UNMC.

  23. Cheri Langill says:

    Love Joyce Pugh! She is dedicated to doing a great job and does just that! The Center for Healthy Living is a sparkling example of her hard work.

  24. Lois Colburn says:

    Tami Ballenger at Annex 14 is by far the best EVS the Center for Continuing Education has had. She takes care of us like we're family!

  25. Lisa Spellman says:

    Zonia is AWESOME! Smiling, happy, helpful. She brightens my day!

  26. Dorothy/Dot Northwall, Faculty Development says:

    Tami Ballenger exemplifies the standard we should all follow, no matter what our position. She is hard working, has a cheerful and helpful demeanor, and is overall an outstanding EVS worker. You can tell that she has that kind of an attitude no matter where she is or what her work would be. Thank you, Tami!

  27. Judy Huey says:

    We love Zonia Nazaruk on our floor at the 4230 Bldg! She's a hard worker and always, always have a great attitude each and every morning. We are so fortunate to have her clean for us and we really appreciate all her wonderful cleaning that she does. Always with a smile! She's the best!

  28. Kim Laursen says:

    Zonia in BSC (4230 bldg) is probably the hardest working and most pleasant EVS worker I know!

  29. Darcy Brougham says:

    We could not ask for a better EVS worker than Tomas Vizcaya-Landaverde. He does nothing but the best job and his work shows! He exemplies hard work and dedication to his job!

  30. Judy Huey says:

    I would like to comment on Craig Lainson who is also a very dedicated worker at the 4230 Bldg. We are happy to have Craig who doesn't mind going the extra mile. Thank you for keeping our building spotless! Kudos!

  31. Dana says:

    Kayla's awesome, friendly and consistent. Go Kayla!! 🙂

  32. Carl V. Smith, MD says:

    Tomas Vizcaya-Landaverde has been the best EVS employee we have had on the 4th floor of the MSB. His work is thorough and he does it cheerfully. Thanks, Tomas for a superb job!

  33. Jenelle Pomicter says:

    Clyde or 'Bubba' in the College of Public Health is the best. He always has a smile on his face in the early mornings and a great sense of humor. He is a joy to see when I arrive in the mornings.

  34. Karen carlson says:


  35. Sherry Cherek says:

    A big yes vote goes to Clyde "Bubba" Roberts in the MCPH building. He genuinely cares about keeping the new building spotless, willingly helps with last minute requests and we love having him part of the CoPH family.

  36. Kim says:


  37. Kim Songster says:

    Tomas Vizcaya-Landaverde is such a great help here to us on the 4th floor of MSB. He takes his job above and beyond every day and takes pride in what he does! He is definitely deserving of this award!

  38. Pam Nielsen says:

    Thomas Vizcaya-Landaverde does an exceptional job. He always has a smile on his face while doing his job.

  39. Heather Nutsch says:

    I want to vote for Zonia. She is always wearing a smile and passes along a few kind words. We appreciate her hard work with the daily cleaning and extra attention to the things that sometimes are overlooked. Keep up the good work Zonia!

  40. Deborah Andersen says:

    Tomas Vizcaya-Landaverde is the hardest working EVS employee ever! He is always busy and takes great care of all of us. He always says hello and works with a smile. I recently saw him in radiology cleaning the resident lounge……..still smiling and working hard. Thanks for everything you do Tomas!

  41. Laura Bashus says:

    Clyde (Bubba) Roberts and Dale Dingus are both fantastic! The College of Public Health is blessed to have Bubba and Dale on our team!

  42. Sharon Secora says:

    My vote is for Hope Cutler. Hope works in the Sorrell building. She always has a smile on her face and greets you with a friendly "Good Morning". She's goes out of her way to make sure the building "sparkles". Takes great pride in her work!
    How nice that you are recognizing the EVS workers.

  43. Christina Sailors says:

    Tomas Vizcaya-Landaverde

  44. Christina says:

    I am voting for Kayla Cokes. I really appreciate all of the hard work she does keeping our area in order. She is a great person to have on the team.

  45. Debbie Vierregger says:

    Tomas does and excellent job and is always so cheerful! Keep up the good work Tomas and Thank you!

  46. Kerri says:

    Tanya in Swanson! She's THE best, EVER!

  47. Lori Clapper says:

    Hope Cutler! She is the bomb! She works hard to keep our building looking nice. I never see her standing idol. She's always dusting, sweeping, cleaning. And she has a great personality and always makes it a point to ask how your day is.

  48. Ron Bechdolt says:

    I'd like to nominate Hope here in the Sorrell building. Her attention to detail and her willingness to drop what she is doing to help us in a pinch makes her a true choice for such recognition. Thanks Hope!

    Unfortunately for the size of our building there is very few staff here to nominate her, so her chances of any award are very slim.

  49. Kris Severe says:

    TOMAS VIZCAYA-LANDAVERDE, He does an awesome job for us!!

  50. Comment Guy says:


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