An EVS appreciation contest

Let’s have a little contest in recognition of this week as National Healthcare Environmental Services Week.

Comment on this story with the full name of your favorite medical center EVS worker along with a few words about how great he or she is.

The EVS worker who generates the most comments — or “votes” — gets a $30 gift card to Crave in Midtown Crossing.

You can vote:

  • For more than one EVS worker; but
  • Only once for each EVS worker.

The “polls” close today at 5 p.m.

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  1. Jamiela says:

    Tomas Vizcaya-Landaverde! He is an amazing person and very kind! Gracias Tomas!

  2. Anna Kunkel says:

    Cynthia Bland is one amazing lady. 2 years ago she helped save a professor's life by getting him to the emergency room. If she had not stepped up, the University would have lost a talented educator and scientist.

  3. Sarah Branco says:

    Tomas Vizcaya-Landaverde is the best! He is an excellent worker and always has a smile on his face!

  4. Sue Pope says:

    Hope Cutler is wonderful!!! Friendly and very, very efficient! Great personaltiy and never fails to say hello to you and ask you how you are! My vote is for Hope Cutler!

  5. Evelyn Grixby says:

    Sang EVS worker in the Adm Ctr Bldg-40th & Dewey does excellent work, always cheerful and does a wonderful job in keeping our building clean and tidy. Thanks Sang for all that you do!

  6. Janice Golka says:

    Tomas Vizcaya-Landaverde: Hands down, Tomas is the BEST EVS employee ever, but more importantly he is a WONDERFUL human being. The 4th floor of MSB has never looked better since Tomas took over! He always has a smile on his face and a kind word to share. He is always busy dong something! When I am having a bad day, Tomas' smile always makes me feel better. No doubt about it…Tomas is a WINNER!

  7. Teresa Ingraham says:

    I would like to take the opportunity to nominate Tomas Vizcaya-Landaverde, who currently works on the 4th floor of MSB. Tomas is an extremely hard worker, always pleasant with a greeting, and goes above and beyond required services. I would also like to recognize the efforts of other individuals within the EVS department that we should be glad to have in our service. Supervisor, Gregory Anthony, and employee Larrry Davis. We do not recognize these individuals enough for their outstanding service to the University.

  8. Susan says:

    Kayla Cokes greets everyone in our department and completes her daily tasks with pride. She is a rock star!

  9. Kim Minino says:

    Zonia Nazaruk – She does a great job and always has a smile and kind word.

  10. April R says:

    Tomas Vizcaya-Landaverde!! No questions asked. Thomas is an amazing hard worker on 4th floor MSB. Every morning Tomas greets everyone with a smile and a friendly Hello!! Tomas is a hard worker and is never caught relaxing on the job. Always goes above and beyond!!

    No doubt about it…Tomas is a WINNER! We are very lucky to have him with our team!! Thank you Tomas for all your hard work and dedication.

  11. Jackie Farley says:

    Tami Ballenger is fantastic. The office is always clean. She is very pleasant and extremely efficient.

  12. Sue Cramer says:

    Tomas Vizcaya-Landaverde is truly awesome. Our section has never looked better. He is always doing some type of cleaning all day long. His friendly smile and gracious attitude, along with his strong work ethic, makes him a truly valued employee. Tomas deserves to be recognized!!

  13. stacey says:

    I would like to see Tomas Vizcaya-Landaverde recognized for his dedication to his work. You can tell that he loves his job. He goes above and beyond what he needs to do on this floor and we all appreciate it very much. Thank You Tomas!

  14. Martin Bast says:

    Zonia Nazaruk is my nominee! She possesses a well-balanced combination of qualities that makes our floor more than just clean and tidy. Thoughtful, cheerful, diligent, willing, efficient are just some of her character traits that come to mind.

  15. Diane Brown says:

    Craig Lainson and Zonia Nazaruk are the Dream Team of EVS…and we in the 4230 Building know it. They are outstanding performers and people. Diane Brown, ITS

  16. Sean says:


  17. Corrigan McBride, MD says:

    TOMAS VIZCAYA-LANDAVERDE is the EVS worker for my academic office and the surronding area. He is always very nice and friendly and has a smile. He does an amazing job keeping the environment clean and organized. He works very hard and I am very impressed with his dedication.

  18. Rita Laire says:

    Betty Bonaparte gets my vote. She is devoted, dependable, meticulous and conscientious! In addition, she is a joy to have working with us.

  19. Maha Farid says:

    I will definitely vote for Rose our EVS in DRC 2 first floor. She is a super nice lady who always had a smile on her face. She is very hardworking and does an amazing job keeping our floor clean and neat.

  20. Selaba Travis says:

    Betty Bonaparte, EVS worker on 5th floor of MSB, is another great employee. She does a wonderful job of taking care of our basic needs, as well as assisting with any issues that come up out of the ordinary. And, she does it all cheerfully and with a sense of pride in the way she desires to help everyone – as a member of the team.

  21. Barbara says:

    Sang Schweer, Admin Ctr Bldg 40th Dewey Sang does a AWESOME job for our Bldg

  22. Fran Neff says:

    Clyde (Bubba) Roberts and Dale Dingus are the best! They keep the College of Public Health picture perfect every day. We are so thankful to have Bubba and Dale on our team!

  23. debra vonseggern says:

    Tami Ballenger is an amazing person! Every morning we are greeted with generosity and a smile. She is a part of our team here at continuing education. I conduct the AHA courses and she cleans & disinfects my classroom every day. Our office buzzes with compliments about her daily. She puts a little "sunshine" in my day!

  24. Mary Morris says:

    Bubba Roberts and Dale Dingus are a great team! They keep MCPH in excellent condition– clean, tidy and always welcoming! They are both cheerful and friendly and willing to go above and beyond. They anticipate what is needed and get the job done right!
    Thanks Bubba and Dale!!

  25. Alicia Delgado says:

    Tomas Vizcaya-Landaverde. He is wonderful at what he does. He is always friendly and does a wonderful job keeping our area together. He is the Best!!!!

  26. Jayme Nekuda says:

    Sang (Administration Bldg) is the BEST! She keeps our floor spotless, if efficient while still being friendly. Sang goes above and beyond to keep our work areas clean (in dumping trash, vacuuming, etc) along with keeping the bathrooms spotless! Thanks Sang!

  27. Toni says:

    TOMAS VIZCAYA-LANDAVERDE, he goes above and beyond EVERY day!! He is the best we have ever had and you know when he is gone!

  28. Dianna Flores says:

    Betty Bonaparte is the EVS worker for our offices. She always has a "can-do attitude" and a smile on her face. Her constant efforts here are very much appreciated!

  29. Angie Livingston says:

    Tomas Vizcaya-Landaverde!

  30. alan langnas says:

    TOMAS VIZCAYA-LANDAVERDE great guy! fabulous worker

  31. Monica Kimbrough says:

    TOMAS VIZCAYA-LANDAVRDE is the EVS worker for our offices on the 4th floor and He is very nice and he keep this place cleen and looking good. Always speak in passing and very helpful to us. HE DOES GREAT WORK AND ALWAYS WITH A SMILE!!

  32. Heeyoung Wang says:

    Mary Walls is da bomb!!!

  33. Janet says:

    Samg Schweer is an excellent employee-very thorough worker and very friendly. She will do her utmost to do the best job and very willing to do extra. UNMC benefits from her being an employee.

  34. Kary Gerard says:

    Tomas Vizcaya-Landaverde, he does an awesome job!! Goes above and beyond!

  35. Lisa Runco says:

    Betty Bonaparte has worked on 5th floor of the Medical Services Building, helping to keep the Internal Medicine office spaces presentable for years. She takes such good care of us, I don't know what we would do without Betty. She tries to get everything done so that when people start arriving for work at 7:00 a.m., she is already out of the area. She is very dependable and a delight, very much a part of the Medicine "family".

  36. Elizabeth says:

    Lisa Lantz does a great job in ESH. She makes sure everything is always clean and does her best to get researchers in the building anything they need to make their jobs easier.

  37. Lisa H says:

    Lisa Lantz, Bob Brandt, and Jerry Chaney receive my votes. Jobs well done with a smile and friendliness unmatched! Bathrooms are spic & span! Floors shine! Trash handled. Thank you three for making sure we have a healthy environment to work in every day in the Eppley Science Hall!

  38. Wendy says:

    He is always polite and takes his work very seriously.

  39. Coleen says:

    Tomas Vizcaya-Landaverde

  40. Lucia says:

    My vote is for Tomas Vizcaya-Landaverde. He is the kindest, hardest working employee and has a smile for everyone. Our floor has NEVER looked this amazing. It could pass any white glove test. He is greatly appreciated!!!

  41. Susan Nelson says:

    Tomas Vizcaya-Landaverde is AWESOME! He is an asset to our team.

  42. Elaine Litton says:

    Betty Bonaparte is the best. She is always pleasant and does a great job.

  43. Jamie says:

    Lisa Lantz has my vote!

  44. Lucie Case says:

    My vote is for Tomas Vizcaya-Landaverde. He works on the fourth floor of MSB and is amazing! He is always working so hard. He cleans things no one else has ever cleaned (like the inside of the microwave, the top of the cupboards in our kitchen, the drinking fountain, to name a few). He is so pleasant too! Everyone in our department loves him and appreciates all of his extra hard work!

  45. Tracy Krasser says:

    Never have I met someone who takes as much pride in his work as Tomas Vizcaya-Landaverde. We are very lucky to have him.

  46. Jason says:

    My vote is for Tami Ballenger. Running into such a nice person in the morning who is always smiling while working hard puts some positivity into me for the day. Thank you.

  47. Mindy Ware says:

    Tami Ballenger is the BEST!! She is always very friendly and goes above and beyond her job to make sure we have what we need. We have had other people fill in for her when she was out on maternity leave and we certainly realized how much we valued her when she was gone. No one else can ever really measure up to the wonderful job that she does!!!!

  48. Sue Drammeh says:

    Tami Ballenger – best EVS employee ever! And, she is a nice person, too. Ever happy and optimistic.

  49. Nina says:

    Lisa Lantz – she does excellent job in ESH and is appreciated by all, and particularly by the residents of the10th floor

  50. Glennys Hirsh says:

    Betty Bonaparte is fantastic! Betty is tidy & efficient. She does a super job with getting our area clean before anyone ever shows up in their office. Most importantly, when Betty is on vacation….I can tell. Areas are not nearly as tidy.

Comments are closed.
