Distinguished scientist: Javeed Iqbal, Ph.D.

Javeed Iqbal, Ph.D.

This profile is part of a series to highlight the researchers who will be honored at a ceremony for UNMC’s 2018 Scientist Laureate, Distinguished Scientist, Research Leadership and New Investigator Award recipients.

  • Name: Javeed Iqbal, Ph.D.
  • Title: Associate professor, UNMC Department of Pathology and Microbiology
  • Joined UNMC: 2003
  • Hometown: Kashmir Valley

The Distinguished Scientist Award

The Distinguished Scientist Award — which is sponsored by the chancellor — recognizes researchers who have been among the most productive scientists at UNMC during the past five years.

Research focus:

  • Non-Hodgkin lymphoma

The goal of my research is: To uncover the lymphoma biology using high-throughput genomic approaches and to translate relevant findings for clinical use.

My research will make a difference because: Genetic stratification and comprehensive molecular description of lymphomas will aid in accurate disease diagnosis and prognostication. Specific therapeutic targets may also emerge which will increase insight into the genomic and molecular features of hard-to-treat lymphomas. Indeed, a customized genomic imprint for each patient will be a foundation for personalized medicine to guide therapy.

The best advice I’ve ever been given is:

  • “Good progress takes place outside one’s comfort zone.”
  • “Education must not simply teach work, it must teach life, tranquility and humility.”

Three things you may not know about me are:

  • I like to play sports (cricket/table tennis) and enjoy being the captain of the team.
  • I went to a state boarding school.
  • I used to be an avid admirer of medical-thriller novelist Robin Cook and even ended up missing my first-year annual biomath/biostats exam just to finish his novel.


  1. Lynette Smith says:

    Congratulations Javeed! Well deserved.

  2. Sunandini says:

    Congratulations Dr. Iqbal!

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