University of Nebraska Medical Center

Accommodation Request Process

Step 1: Register with the center by completing and submitting the Self-Identification Form

Completing the Self-Identification Form helps the center to determine a student's particular needs and individual requests.

Step 2: Submit documentation related to the diagnosis

Documentation must contain your diagnosis, functional limitations caused by diagnosis, recommendations for accommodation and written on official letterhead from the provider's office. Documentation can be emailed to UNMCASC@unmc.edu or faxed to 402-559-9671.

The center has the ability to request additional documentation if the original documentation provided is not sufficient to determine reasonable accommodations by requesting your provider to complete the Provider Evaluation Form. 

More About Documentation

Step 3: Schedule an intake meeting with our staff

During this meeting our staff will continue the interactive process to decide reasonable accommodations based on the student's request for accommodations and documentation provided.

If necessary, the student and Accessibility Services Center staff member will develop an accommodation plan.

Step 4: Distribute and discuss accommodation plans with appropriate faculty/staff within your program

It is the student's responsibility to continue to inform their faculty each semester of accommodations.

If changes are needed, the student is required to work with staff to update and change accommodation plans accordingly.


Students who have a documented medical condition or disability that substantially limits a major life activity, both temporary and permanent, may qualify for accessibility-based services from the Accessibility Services Center. The list below is not exhaustive but includes examples of disabilities that substantially limit a major life activity


  • Crohn’s Disease
  • Temporary – Surgery or Concussion related
  • Type 1 Diabetes


  • ADHD
  • Anxiety Disorders
  • Autism Spectrum Disorders
  • Depression
  • Learning Disabilities – Dyslexia


  • Cerebral Palsy
  • Traumatic Brain Injury
  • Deaf/Hard of Hearing
  • Blind/Low Vision
It is the student’s responsibility to disclose and request accommodations. Students can inquire about accommodation at any time throughout the academic year and within their program. However, the ASC recommends registering with the office as soon as possible to establish an accommodation plan or adjust accommodations as needed, as accommodations are not retroactive

Each accommodation service is an interactive process, provided on a case-by-case basis to ensure the need(s) of the student is/are being met appropriately.