
Monthly Case Conference Presentations: 

These monthly conferences consist of a 15-20 minute discussion of a geriatric medicine topic followed by one or two patient cases presented by ​staff from primary care clinics. Geriatric specialists provide ​the brief didactic and the panel for the case discussion. Each panel includes a geriatrician, geriatric psychiatrist, pharmacist, social worker and primary care liaison (community services representative). Only the didactic components are posted to protect patient confidentiality. Submit a case for review.

Upcoming Presentations

Thursday, August 1st, 2024 – “Cognitive Care Plan – Assessing Mentation in Primary Care” – Jessie Jenkins, MD

Archived Presentations and Resources:

Thuy Koll, MD – Cognitive Testing (10.3.19)
Audio-Visual Presentation
Natalie Manley, MD, MPH – Caregivers (11.7.19)
Audio-Visual Presentation
    Aimi Nelson-Sheese – Best practices for identifying dementia in non-English speakers (06.04.20)
    Audio-Visual Presentation
    Jane Potter, MD – Advance Care Planning During COVID-19 (07.02.20)
    Audio-Visual Presentation
    Prepare for your Care – Advanced Directives
April Recher – Social Determinants of Health (08.06.20)
Audio-Visual Presentation
Nebraska Medicine Referral to Community Resources   /   One World Referral to Community Resources
Natalie Manley, MD, MPH – Finding the Right Housing Option for Patients with Dementia (09.03.20)
Audio-Visual Presentation
Karina Bishop, MD – Impaired Older Driver/Driving and Dementia (10.01.20)
Audio-Visual Presentation
Provider Assessment of Driver for DMV      /      Transportation Resources
MOBY APPLICATION      /      Provider Referral to DMV 
    Linda Sobeski, PharmD – Common Adverse Drug Events and High-Risk Drugs (11.05.20)
    Audio-Visual Presentation
Tom Magnuson, MD – Behavioral and Psychological Symptoms of Dementia (12.03.20)
Audio-Visual Presentation
Dementia Resources
    Drs. Al Fisher and Alena Balasanova – Pain: Alternatives to Opioids for Older Adults (01.07.21)
    Audio-Visual Presentation
   Drs. Bill Lyons, MD and Linda Sobeski, PharmD – Weight Loss in Older Adults (02.04.21)
   Audio-Visual Presentation
Gina Mack and Trampis Wrice – Adult Protective Services (03.04.21)
Audio-Visual Presentation
Natalie Manley, MD, MPH – Eye Problems in the Elderly (04.01.21)
Audio-Visual Presentation
Ann Mangiameli, Legal Aid of Nebraska – Patient Rights (05.06.21)
Audio-Visual Presentation
John Weremy, DPM – Problems in Foot Care (06.03.21)
Audio-Visual Presentation
    Jane Potter, MD – Partnering for Age Friendly Care at the Nebraska GWEP: Progress Report (08.05.21)
    Audio-Visual Presentation
    Melissa Teply, MD – Hospice Care:  What the PC Provider Needs to Know (09.02.21)
    Audio-Visual Presentation

Natalie Manley, MD, MPH – Diabetes and your older patients (10.07.21)
Audio-Visual Presentation

   Nora Kovar, MD, MPH –  Screening and Health Maintenance in older adults:  What to do and when to stop (11.04.21)
   Audio-Visual Presentation
   Alzheimer’s Association Nebraska Chapter – Alzheimer’s Disease: Local and National Resources (12.02.21)
   PowerPoint    /    Audio-Visual Presentation    /    UB-2    /    3D-CAM
    Mandy Byers, MD, CMD – Thyroid Disorders (01.07.22)
    Audio-Visual Presentation
   Jane Potter, MD – Lab abnormalities in older people, and anemia evaluation (02.03.22)
   Power Point Audio-Visual Presentation  /   Alzheimer’s Disease 8 question screening Interview
   Supplementary Articles
–    Thyroid Hormone Therapy for Older Adults with Subclinical Hypothyroidism
                              –    Risk of Progression to Diabetes Among Older Adults With Prediabetes
–    Development and Validation of a Modified Full Age Spectrum Creatinine-Based Equation to Estimate Glomerular Filtration Rate
   Linda Sobeski, PharmD – Therapy for COPD: Can they afford it? Can they use it? (03.03.22)
   Power Point / Audio-Visual Presentation
    Bill Lyons, MD – Lewy Body Dementia and Other Non-AD Dementia Subtypes (04.07.22)
    Power Point / Audio-Visual Presentation
Natalie Manley, MD – How to help patients and their caregivers after initiating home hospice (05.05.22)
Power Point / Audio-Visual Presentation
    Rajean Moone, PhD – Gay and Gray: Developing Welcoming Services for LGBTQ Older Adults and Caregivers (06.02.22)
    Power Point / Audio-Visual Presentation
Tom Magnuson, MD – Evaluation and Treatment of Agitation in Dementia (07.07.22)
Power Point / Audio-Visual Presentation
    Andrew Baumgartner, MD – Depression in Older People (08.04.22)
    Power Point / Audio-Visual Presentation
    Erin Ranum, MD –  Anxiety Disorders (09.01.22)
    Power Point / Audio-Visual Presentation
Alfred Fisher, MD – Sleep Disorders and Treatment (10.06.22)
Power Point / Audio-Visual Presentation
Dworak-pic.jpg (197×193)    Alex Dworak, MD – Physical Activity in Older Adults (11.03.22)
    Power Point / Audio-Visual Presentation
    Kathryn Hutchins, MD – Colon cancer screening for people 45-75 years of age” (12.01.22)
    Power Point / Audio-Visual Presentation
    Justin Choi, MD – Chronic and Musculoskeletal Pain (02.02.23)
    Power Point / Audio-Visual Presentation
The 49 Best Nonprofit Logos for Creative Inspiration Cathy Guinane and Ann Mangiameli, JD – Pet Therapy and Emotional Support Animals (03.02.23)
PowerPoint  /  Audio-Visual Presentation
    Jeremy Holloway, PhD – “Interventions and Intergenerational Programs on Addressing Social Isolation and Loneliness in Older Adults”
    PowerPoint   /   Audio-Visual Presentation
    Jennifer Fillaus, DO – “Chronic Kidney Disease in Older People” (05.04.23)
    PowerPoint   /   Audio-Visual Presentation
    Jeremy Holloway, PhD – “Cross Cultural Communication” (06.01.23)
    PowerPoint   /   Audio-Visual Presentation
    Lou Lukas, MD – “Principles of Outpatient Palliative Care for the PCP” (08.03.23)
    PowerPoint   /   Audio-Visual Presentation
    Nicole Regan, MSN, APRN, NP-C – “State of Aging with HIV” (09.07.23)
    PowerPoint   /   Audio-Visual Presentation
Al Fisher, MD, PhD – “Statin Use in Older Patients” (10.05.23)
PowerPoint   /   Audio-Visual Presentation
    Hta Thi Yu Moo and Synthia Htoo, Karen Organization of Minnesota – “Understanding Karen culture as a roadmap for
improving multicultural care” (11.02.23)
    PowerPoint   /   Audio-Visual Presentation
    Cecilia Poon, PhD, ABPP – “Acceptance and Commitment Therapy” (12.07.23)
    PowerPoint    /   Audio-Visual Presentation
    Christopher Shaffer, PharmD, PhD, MS – “Pharmacogenomics in Older People” (02.01.24)
PowerPoint    /   Audio-Visual Presentation
    Sylvia Ziegenbein, MD, MA – “GUSM (genitourinary syndrome of menopause)” (03.07.24)
    PowerPoint    /   Audio-Visual Presentation
    Alëna Balasanova, MD – “Approach to substance use disorder in older people” (04.04.24)
    PowerPoint    /   Audio-Visual Presentation
    Brandi Flagg, MD and Nubia Quiros – “Sharing What Matters as patients complete Advance Care Planning” (05.02.24)
    PowerPoint    /   Audio-Visual Presentation

    Jane Potter, MD – “Collaborating in Care of Older Patients under the Geriatrics Workforce Enhancement Program: What did we do, and did
it make a difference? (06.06.24)
    PowerPoint   /   Audio-Visual Presentation

Additional Presentations


Deb Mostek, MD – Elder Mistreatment (06.09.20)



Joe Hejkal, MD – Telehealth (09.28.20)
Audio-Visual Presentation
   Drs. Al Fisher and Alena Balasanova – A Review of Opioid Safety in Older Adults (05.10.23)
Audio-Visual Presentation


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